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The time was now 7:30 pm, the girls had shown up and brought all of their outfits. They all dressed the same with baby pink long sleeve crop tops that had strings that strung down their body, with a tiny skirt and visible thong that came out of the top side.

 They all dressed the same with baby pink long sleeve crop tops that had strings that strung down their body, with a tiny skirt and visible thong that came out of the top side

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girls outfits ^^

Everyone seemed happy, the night was going well and the club was starting to slightly fill, of course it hadn't filled nearly to its capacity but they assumed everyone would be in about the time the event really starts.

Bardo was decorated to its max, there was pink everywhere, almost every trace of blue was left behind. there was pink confetti littering the floors and streamers thrown in every direction. all of the disco lights and every source of brightness in the room now had a pink lens over it.

with the club slowly filling up, karl, daryl, and minx had gotten into their outfits, as well the girls. george had ended up going up to his penthouse, wilbur following close behind as they left the elevator.

"theres no way in hell am I wearing this tonight" wilbur slapped his suit down on the expensive piano that presented itself in the middle of the room.

"then ill be alone on the poles, with all those creepy men trying to kidnap me" george turned around and took off his trench coat, making his words sound all that more sarcastic.

wilbur looked at george with haste, and then back down to the suit, shutting his eyes and sighing deeply.

"you are so lucky im more than just your body guard and I actually care about you" he shook his head and pulled his suit jacket off, revealing the pistol he had holstered on the right side of his hips.

"and I am very grateful for that" george laughed and walked up into his room, tossing his coat onto his freshly made bed.

george kept the same pants on but switched his shirt into a simple deep pink satin button up, that he tucked into his dress pants and only buttoned the first few buttons.

with his time creeping up on him, he became slightly anxious. Now being on the poles was nothing new for george seeing as he had been doing it for years now but with this event, bringing in new people and new appearances, you never knew who could show up.

"this is so fucking itchy" george peeked out of his room and saw wilbur coming out of the guest, wearing the pants to the suit but the jacket was resting in his right hand as he practically wobbled towards the piano where his gun laid at rest.

"suck it up for one night" george laughed and walked out to get closer to wilbur, the brunette watched wilbur try and hook his gun onto his waste, failing miserably and finally kneeling down to tie it around his ankle.

"if something happens and I cant get to my gun fast enough, that is on you" his strong british accent flew right over georges head as he admired the pink sequins on wilburs tones body.

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