Chapter Twenty-Four

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Niall's P.O.V.~

The world seemed to stop moving. I could feel hot tears streaming down my cheeks, my eyes getting blurry.

But I didn't know what I felt....


That was what I felt. Numbness. I didn't know I was sobbing, I didn't know Harry and Zayn were rushing me to the car. I didn't realize that while the trees past by me, that I was screaming at anything that said anything.

It wasn't till we got to the hospital 'til I realized that Iris was probably dead. Were they here to confirm the body or something? I couldn't do it. I turned to Liam, my eyes wide. He engulfed me into a hug, while Louis went to ask something.

They slowly led me to the waiting room, where the pain slowly sunk in.

I will never be able to hold her again. She was so warm, and thought deeply of things. It was like she looked into peoples soul and saw the best of them. I just got her, and I already lost her.

My head seemed to collapse into my hands. Why was I such a FAILURE?!

"Oh, sorry, Iris Hathaway is in surgery, I thought you said Pillis Gathery." A nurse's voice rang out making my head snap up in alert.

She was was alive.

*Iris's P.O.V.*

When the light fluttered into my brain, I laid there for a minute, staring up at the white ceiling, trying to grasp my mind around the thought of... Me dying.


The name popped into my mind and I sat up quickly, too quickly. Pain enraged in my body, so I sat back and sighed loudly.

"Finally awake?" Liam's recognizable voice echoed through the room. I nodded, turning my head to see only him. My face must have shown tons of disapointment because Liam immediately explained. "I sent Niall home. He was here all night."

I studied him, noticing that his cheeks were stained red, from crying.

"When can I get out of here?"

"Two weeks. One if your good."

I groaned inwardly," Noooooo, That makes me sound like I'm in prison or something. 'Life if your bad, 20 years for good behavior.'"

Liam raised his eye brow," Want me to call Niall?"

"No... He should sleep if he was here all night." But the thought of him, comforting me and telling me I was alright tempted me. I missed him, and the thought that I almost died and left him here alone.

It was quite scary. Being away from him.


I shook my head and turned it so I stared out the window. The light peered inside it, occasionally flickering by the shadows of birds would pass by, but nothing more.

"Are you sure?" Liam finally spoke to the silence that was killing me inside. I slowly nodded, not looking at him. I heard the door shut, and when I turned, expecting to see some one else, I noticed Liam had left.

What the hell was I supposed to do now?

I was surrounded by death in a bloody hospital....

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