Chapter Ten

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I sat next to Keith, across from Danielle and Liam. We were at a nice diner before we go to the club. I was pretty excited. Due to the laws in America, I haven't had my first drink yet. I know, I know. Your probably thinking 'But.. You were in college? Didn't you go to a party!?' ...

I wasn't that popular. I liked to study, and run. Maya (My old roomie) Was the popular one. 

I ordered a friendly steak and a salad for the side. Danielle and Liam ordered Spaghetti to share (Awwwe!) and Keith ordered Two hamburgers and a potato. We made small talk until the food came. 

"Wow!" My mouth watered from the sight of meat. Due to my diet, I only eat meat once or twice a week. I cut into it- It cut like butter! I cut the pieces into small bites and started inhaling it.

"Don't choke!" Keith teased.

I swallowed and rolled my eyes. Liam laughed," You reminded me of Niall, there." I choked on the piece I was working on. Keith patted my back while Liam and Danielle howled with laughter. 

I scolded Liam. "I'm not Niall. We're nothing alike. Niall likes Demi, I like Taylor Lautner. Niall doesn't work out, Working out is my life. See? Nothing alike. I sometimes wonder how we get along. Plus, he totally creeped me out when he snuck into my room last night. Tryna pull an Edward, watching me sleep. No right. I'm going to the bathroom. Ugh." I stood up and walked quickly to the ladies room. 

I bit my lip and stared into the mirror. Why did I say that? Defence, probably. Danielle will get it. It really hurt when he said he liked Demi. I'm sorta pissed at him, but I know it's not his fault he doesn't love me. 

It's mine. 

Your fat, you should run more. 

Really ugly... Get rid of the make up. 

Wear more showing clothes. 

Work harder. 

God your such a slut! 

Kevin's voice ran through my head, and I rubbed my temples trying to get rid of the taunting voice. Danielle popped her head in," Hey, are you okay?" 

"Yeah, fine. " I smiled at her. She grabbed my hand and pulled me back to the table, whispering," The boys are clueless, don't worry." 

We sat down and continued to eat. 

The Steak was great! I was definitely coming back here. The Salad was... Well it's salad ...

We paid and all that good stuff before entering our car and driving towards the club.

"What if there is paparazzi?" I asked.  I was starting to become nervous... My first time drinking. 

Liam answered," Well, we're going to a new club, so their probably walking around the old club or the hotel."

"Unless some one tipped them off." Danielle added. 

"Did you know that they hack into peoples phones to know where famous people are going to be?" Keith said in a matter of fact tone. 

My eyes widened," Really!?"

"No, I just wanted to see what you'd do if I told you." He howled with laughter, Liam and Danielle soon followed the suit. 

I glared out my window until we got there. Keith pulled me from the car and dragged me into the club. It was super uncomfortable- nothing like I imagined. It was too crowded, the music was too loud and people looked like sluts. 

Me and Keith found the bar area- the music was a little less loud but still loud. 

"I'll have the best thing you have!" I called to the bartender, Keith ordered something with a weird name. 

"So, is this your first time?" Keith asked, gesturing around us. I nodded. "This is my 17th." 

"How old are you?" I gasped. 

"20 in three days." He smirked. 

"Wow! Well, that's great." I patted his back, smiling at him. The drinks came and Keith dared me to chug it. 

I looked at the drink hesitantly, before lifting the drink to my mouth and leaning my head back. The alcohol burned the back of my throat as I downed it all. I slammed the glass down and everyone cheered.

I found myself grinding up against Keith on the dance floor. My mind was fuzzy and I LOVED it!

It was really hard to make words come out of my mouth correctly, it always jumbled together.  stumbled over my feet and fell into Keith's arms, giggling. 

"I'm going to take her home..."

The world spun around me and I could not stop giggling. Soon, the haze started to wear off, but it was still there. I was being carried into my house, and into my room and-

It was by Keith. Keith was such a hero, taking me away from that horrible loud place...

I giggled and pulled him onto the bed next to me as he tried to leave," No-o-oooooo!" I cooed," Your not leaving this bed for a while!" 

He looked so red! Adorable! He reminded me of Niall. :D Maybe he was Niall reincarnated! Like- meant for me or something! I wrapped my arms around his neck and started nibbling his earlobe. "I'm going to do so many things to you..." I whispered seductively.

"I-I-Iris.." He stuttered as my hands made their way down his body. "This isn't right." 

"We're both single, riiigghhtt?" My hands stopped at his zipper and I looked up at him. "Unless youuu like Demi too?" 

He looked confused," Iris- I-I'm not Niall." 

"Oh shut up." I giggled and fumbled to take his pants off. 

He grabbed my hands and flipped me over, so he was on top. I growled, and winked at him. "Rough, I see." I giggled. 

"I'm not Niall." He repeated firmly. I ignored him and went to kiss his neck but he pulled out of my reach. "I am NOT Niall." My eyes watered, and I tried harder, getting desperate.  "It's okay Iris. I'm not Niall... I'm Keith. Just plain Keith." 

Tears started streaming down my cheeks. "N-Niall..." 

"Keith." He replied firmly. 

I cried harder, and he hugged me. "Shh... It's okay... Your drunk..." 

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