Chapter Nineteen

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I woke up, and yawned. Sitting up a little. My head was aching and...

Suddenly, the memory of being knocked out fuzzed into my mind. I gingerly touched my head and looked down. I was in my sports bra and poke addot underwear. My head also had a huge bump on it.

I felt disgusted with myself, betrayed by my own body. I stood up quickly, which was a huge mistake because that made me want to puke. I sat down slowly, looking around. He wasn't in sight.

This time, I slowly got up and grabbed my clothes that I spotted at the foot of the bed. I slipped them on and hurried up the stairs and out the door. Before I could even get to the car, some one grabbed me from behind.

I let out a loud scream, and jumped back, yanking myself away. I turned around quickly, and stared at the culprit of all this. Keith.

"I didn't rape you, if that's what you were wondering." He spoke with a lot of regret in his voice.

I rolled my eyes and shrugged. "Your going to have to find another trainer. I quit."

He nodded slowly. I thought he was done, but as I turned around, I felt his hand grab my wrist. "I looked at you naked though." He admitted," I wanted to know if I was gay. And if that sight didn't turn me on, nothing will." He sighed heavily.

If this was a Movie, and I wasn't me. I'd feel sorry for him. I, once again, yanked myself from his grip. Then got in my car and drove it.

I didn't even look back as I drove home. I was shaking. I was a slut. A dirty, dirty slut. Someone else saw me naked. It wasn't Niall. I'm a cheater. I cheated on him. I just wanted to wash myself away and... die.

Driving into my drive way, I noticed cars. I really didn't want to be annoyed by anyone right now, so I went through the back. I slipped up the stairs without being noticed and got into my room. As soon as I shut the door, I burst into a fit of tears.

How would Niall feel about this? He's going to break up with me. He's going to hate me, and feel disgusted with me.

I crawled onto my bed and curled up in the fatal position, still crying my eyes out. I deserved it all. I was a horrible person, and I deserved everything I got. But Niall didn't. Niall wanted a princess, but instead he got a demon.

Strong arms wrapped around my body. Scared, I jerked away from the touch, jumping off the bed in one swift motion. Instead of Keith, it was Niall. I looked down, to afraid to look at him. The tears streamed down my face, and was less fierce than before.

"Iris? What's wrong?" He sounded concerned, when he really shouldn't be. He should hate me.

He got closer and tried to get me to look him in the eye, but I closed my eyes instead. His blue eyes would kill me. I don't want to see hatred in them. "N-Niall... I-I cheated..."

I could feel his body stiffen. ".... What?"

I burst out explaining," I was weak. I should have been stronger, but instead I was weak. I didn't know what he was doing to me, but he looked at me when I was naked. It wasn't you, I cheated, and-"

"What the hell does that me?" He asked harshly.

I had to open my eyes," W-well I was knocked out, but still. I cheated because he looked at me when I was naked and-"

"He knocked you out? What? Who?"


He suddenly hugged me, squishing my body against his. "Is that why you jumped when I touched you before?" He asked softly. "He raped you?"

I shook my head," No... He only stripped my clothes, he didn't..." I trailed off.

"That's- Like- Mental rape." He said. He leaned back, and kissed my head. "I'm going out for a while, I need pizza. Why don't you go to sleep, and I'll be back. Liam, Zayn, and Harry are here. Do you want me to send one of them up to watch you?"

Watch me sleep? "I'm not a- Ugh- Zayn..." I plopped onto my bed and slightly smiled at the image of Niall eating pizza. He left the room and I got comfortable in my bed, before falling asleep.

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