Chapter Two- Into The Past

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"Breakfast is ready." My mom opened the door and called in. I was currently at my working laptop, correcting the work my mom ruined. I nodded, narrowing my eyes before setting the laptop down on the desk and following her downstairs. Me and my mom- Sorry, Jane Hathaway was a huge editor of pictures and such. 

Long Story Short: I believe in Natural Beauty while she believed in fixing things. 

As an 16 year old, who hated her mother. I was out of school and was soon to be in charge of my life. As I slipped into my seat at the kitchen table, my fathers loud high voice screeched through the loft. "Chrissy!!" 

"It's not my name!!" I called back instinctively. It's been three weeks since my birthday, September 23rd. It was now the 14th of October. For my birthday I got a new camera and I wished everyone to call me my middle name, Iris. They agreed... Well, except my damn dad. But I honestly still loved him to death <3 

"Whatever!" He said sassy-like and bounced to the stove to make me a plate. "Soooo, I finally got your birthday present." He said casually. I rolled my eyes and took a bite out of the bacon after he set the plate down in front of me. "We'll leave after break fast." 

"Is it another shoot?" I asked eagerly. 

He nodded," This one is rolling in big money. It'll give you a huge boost on your savings." 

I moaned in excitement, my mouth was full and I was never really one to talk and eat. After I swallowed I looked at him and Jane. "Are you guys going to come, too?"

"Of course. Your doing the job, but their manager thinks it's going to be me." He smirked. 

I smirked with him, the frowned at the thought of my controlling mother coming along. I sighed and put my stuff on the dishwasher. After that I went upstairs to get my shoes and to knock on my brothers door. 

All I heard was blearing screamo music.

I rolled my eyes and opened it, the cologne made me wrinkle my nose up. Kris's room was black, with posters plastered to the walls. I wasn't a fan of posters. Never caught real beauty like a real photograph could, and most of the time it was edited. 

"We're going to the basement." I told him after he finally looked up from whatever bloody video game he was playing. I called the Studio- where I worked- The Basement because it was under a large building. 

He nodded and went back to playing the game. Annoyed, I muttered," Don't cut yourself when we're out." And left. 

When I got outside, Jane and dad were already waiting in the car. I slipped into the back and buckled up. 

The drive to the Studio wasn't long. It wasn't short either. About 15 minutes. I know, your probably thinking 'That's not far at all...' ... But! When your so close to something you love, yet so far away time slows down. 

Well actually that's what your brain thinks or something- my brother tried to explain time to me once, It was rare that he was actually talking about something other than depression but... It truly bored me to death so I zoned out. 

As soon as the Studio came into view all my thoughts vanquished and were replaced with work. The world of grey seemed to get brighter, even though I was walking past grey ugly cellar walls. There were so many ways that they could be beautiful, but it illuminated the scary-beautiful affect and I insisted that no one changed it. "So, who are my clients?" I asked. I knew, if dad was this excited about it and that I was getting enough to cover my savings then they must be famous. We're a uncommon London business. Only twice before have we landed some one big; Adele and Ed Sheeran. Very nice people. 

"Boy Band; One Direction; Heartthrobs-" 

I cut him off and reached inside his bag, pulling out the information envelope. "I'll go to the reading room, let them do whatever for a while; I'm going to read up on them and search other pictures done." I turned to glare at my mother,"Don't you dare touch them." 

I branched off from them. I've never really been interested in music like I am art. I sat down and started to work. 

The pictures that's been taken of them- most were tainted with make up. Natural ones were easy for me to go past and make better ones. I went to my desk and pulled out my camera, going into the Photo room. 

"No!" I barked at my mother. She was in the middle of sitting the blonde- Niall- down to do his make up. I looked at the other boys and instantly knew who already got theirs. "Harold, Louis, and Zain, please go shower. They are in the back. Use the make-up remover for skin soap please." They looked slightly confused, and looked to my mom for orders. 

I hated that. When they put me in charge, my mom liked to take over. And now they were expecting her to be boss?! "Jane." I glared at her. "Niall is perfect the way he is, no make up. He's absolutely picture perfect already. Natural Beautiful and perfect in every way. Same goes as the others, and this is my job." I turned to look at my dad who was slouching in the corner. "Daddy!" I whined. 

He looked up," Oh... Hm... Jane this is my present to her, you know that..." 

My mom reluctantly pulled herself away from the confused boy and went to join my dad in the corner.

"Alright!" I clapped my hands together and turned to the others. Liam, I believe stepped forward. 

"Erm, who are-"

"I am Iris Hathaway, I'll be taking pictures of you. Erm, Harold, Louis, Zain, please go do what I asked earlier." They left the room. Leaving me to work with Liam and Niall. "Okay...William, I want you to carry Niall on your back please." 

Liam looked even more confused," William?" 

"It's a nice name, isn't it? Liam originated from it, and Natural beauty is key." The name danced around in front of my eyes for a couple of moments while they got in position. I snapped a couple pictures before I let them sit down. 

I sat next to them, taking out my phone. "We'll wait for the other boys." 

"So tell me about yourself." Niall said casually. My work mind shattered and was replaced by my other. I blinked a couple times.

Shrugging," I'm 16, saving up for college." I replied casually. "I want to study art, and beauty. I have a brother named Kris. My name is Iris." 

The other boys came out, and it was my time for work again. I just couldn't get Niall's face out of my mind. 

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