Chapter Twenty Two -Present Time-

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I jumped slightly, getting out of my haze. I looked up to see the guy was now talking to a stranger in the doorway, his back turned. A young girl next to me was shaking me, she seemed about my age.

"Yes?" I whispered back, feeling sick. The smell of blood was intoxicating. It was truly horrible and I never wanted to see it again.

"How are we going to get out of here?" She was shaking.

I shrugged," Were not." I looked at the clock. "There is only 30 more minutes. Until were only remembered as pink mist."

"Pink mist?" She asked, her voice was shaking now.

"That's what they call people who blow up... And have no remains..." I explained.

"I'm Tessa." She shook my hand. Making me shiver from how sweaty her palms were. "I've seen you in a magazine. Aren't you dating someone famous? Which will make the police more frantic and they'll get us out-"

"A life is a life. They should be frantic, even if everyone here just had a regular boyfriend. No life is more valuable than another. We're all the same." I whispered, trying to calm her. I was lying, of course. I would kill, anyone, even myself, for Niall.

That made me burst into tears. His last words to me was: "I love you too."

We just got together, we didn't need this. I wiped away my tears and looked at the clock. 29 more minutes.

"Tessa, If I get the mans attention, you have to be ready to run." I ordered quietly.

She nodded.

I took my jacket off and stuffed it up my shirt. "OH!" I screamed, making everyone turn to look at me.

The man stopped talking to the stranger, and the stranger left. The man came over and bent down next to me," Wait.. Your pregnant?!"

"M-My water just broke! Please, let me out of here!" I begged, getting in his face. I saw Tessa slowly get up, behind his back. She silently ran across the room and to the door, looking back one last time before disappearing.

The mans face turned from scared to anger. "No. I'll kill you, then the baby won't come and ruin my plans." He stood back and raised his gun.

My god, he was the stupidest person I might of ever known. Seriously, what kind of pregnant person has a zipper falling out of her shirt?

I rolled my eyes and got my jacket out of my shirt. He looked even more enraged, and as his finger went over the trigger, my jacket wrapped around his wrist.

I thought I got him to point it to the ground, but the sharp pain in my foot signalled I missed. Several things happened when I faltered due to the pain. People were getting up and running out, happy for a distraction. The pain was flarring up, making me feel worst, and the man took another aim.

I didn't have enough time to stop him this time. He raised the gun, and the echo was the last thing I heard.

The darkness engulfed me.

30 MinutesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang