Chapter Eleven

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My eyes slowly fluttered open, the pounding in my head was excruciating. I groaned and rolled over... Onto a warm body. My eyes widened in panic and I jumped off the bed. Keith was waking up... Last nights events ran through my head and I groaned again. I needed tea. I walked out of my room and down the stairs- into the kitchen and getting a coffee mug.

After puting that in the microwave I fed Kit and collapsed into my kitchen chair, burrying my head into my arms as if I was a student in class trying to sleep. Footsteps walked into the room- Keith. He opened the microwave before it hit zero and gave me the cup of warm water. I sat up and put a tea packet in. "How are you?" He asked. I winced at his voice and beckoned him to stay quiet. He sighed and started whispering," Do you remember what happened?"

I nodded before finding my voice and saying something stupid," Why aren't you in pain?"

"One, This is your first hang over, not mine. Two, I didn't drink that much last night. I can hold my liquor. Three, and If I was drunk then we'd have done those 'things' you wanted to do to me." He smirked cockily and winked at me.

I groaned. "Can you go get me the sugar from the bottom cabinet on the left..." I pointed to it and he went to retrieve it. "Ugh... As soon as I shower I am going to go to the hotel and scream at Danielle for letting me get drunk."

"Wasn't her fault." He smirked. "It was all you."

"I have a question though." I said while putting the sugar in my tea. "Why didn't you take advantage of me?"

He sighed," I prefer sober girls over drunk ones, believe it or not." He winked at me. Again. "Don't forget that tonight we have training. See ya," He left and I felt like there was something he should have told me. I sighed and drank my tea silently before muttering to Kit and going upstairs to shower.

After the nice shower I got dressed in sweats and a simple T-shirt. I grabbed an apple on the way out.


When I got there, Harry and Niall were gone and Danielle and two other girls (I' guessing they were the famous Eleanor and Pierre) along with Louis, Liam, and Zayn were in the living room. They seemed to be enjoying themselves.

"Er- Danielle." I interrupted," Can I talk to you?"

"Hey Iris! Whats up?" Louis asked.

"In the kitchen...."  I dragged Danielle into the kitchen. "You let me go home with a guy last night! And I was wasted!"

Her eyes widened," Did Keith take advantage of you?!"

I shook my head. "No- But thats not the point! It was so close to happening! I was literally about to suck his dick!" I accused," Plus that was my first time drinking and-"

She hugged me. "It must have been scary."

I nodded, and hugged back. "Not to mention that I have a killer hang over. Is it alright if I go to sleep in Liams room?"

"You can go into Nialls. He and Harry caught a plane to America last night for 'stuff'. It's annoying because Liam won't tell me what that means." She sighed.

"Psh. Why would I want to sleep in Niall's bed? I'll take Harry's, thank you very much." I started to head to the stairs.

Danielle rolled her eyes," don't give me that crap. I know that you love him, you even told me yesterday."

"Awwwe! You love Niall!" Pierre and Eleanor swooped in.

"That's so cute! Are you guys going out? We could go on a foursome date." Pierre gushed.

"Foursome date?" Eleanor raised an eye brow. "Puh-lease. That's not a real thing."

"Yeah it is." Pierre nodded," I've gone on tons of them."

This conversation was just making my headache and mood worse. I smiled weakly," Niall doesn't like me like that. I- erm. I'm going to go sleep."

I went upstairs and used Niall's bed anyways. The scent of him around me made me snuggle into his covers and fall sleep.

(Short boring chapter, but it happens sometimes...)

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