Party time

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Sofias Pov

We get to the party and there is a bunch of mafia bosses here with there plus one and there are a bunch of rich people, i go with Angelina to get a drink we are three drinks in when the boys ask to dance. We are dancing when Alessio randomly kisses me and smiles at me as i nervously giggle and start to blush, i lean my head on his chest when he suddenly says he will be back when he leaves.

I don't question it i just walk back to the table and sit and wait for him, Angelina and Mateo walk over laughing happy with each other. "wheres Alessio?" Angelina asks as she sits with me. I was gonna ask the same question, i get curious and get up and go look for him, I walk through the big house when i need to go to the bathroom i try find a bathroom i walk into a room not toilet there i walk into the next there not one there, i go into the last room on this floor and open the door and as i just about to walk in i see Alessio making love to some blonde bimbo " this is how we gonna play now Alessio? act like you wanna marry me one day and now your here with this Skila" as i throw the necklace that he bought me earlier today.

Skila ( bitch) in greek

I see his keys on the floor i grab them and run before he could catch me, i run out past Mateo and Angelina and out the doors towards the car. I get in and start the car i see Alessio run outside but sees me skid out the mansion in his car. I feel stupid for liking him again and thinking he was nice, he just lies again and again. I'm on the high way going 180 where it takes me to my farm. I will not return to his home at all just to be one of his whores.

Alessios Pov

Sofia just walked in on me making love to this girl, she grabs my keys and runs i quickly get up and get dressed before running after her i run past Mateo and Angelina and they look confused. I ran out to see Sofia skidding it out of the mansion where the parties held. Angelina walks out with Mateo " what did you do to my best friend!" i look at her " she walked in on me having sex with some women" she walks up and punches me in the face before grabbing Mateos keys and running to the car and locking the doors so we couldn't get in before locking the doors and speeding off after Sofia. " great job man, now where car less and the girls are gone" Mateo yells before i give him a dirty look.

Angelina's Pov

I just found out my best friend found her whatever he is sleeping with someone else. I don't know what else to do other then grab Mateos keys and run and drive after Sofia, so i did just that. I speed out the gates and head on to the high way i sit there for a minute and think where is Sofias go to place when things get too much? Thats it! the farm she's heading there. I speed hoping to catch up to her.

Alessios Pov

I don't know where she is, or where she is gone. I wanna give her time but i need to apologise and fix things. I am snapped out of my thoughts when i get a call from my car company people saying about two of my cars being out at a farm 5 hours away, i inform them it's Sofia and Angelina as i hung up the phone. I sit waiting for any further news but theres nothing. It's getting late so i decide to leave her for now and let her calm down and drive out to the farm and see her tomorrow.

I am deep in my sleep dreaming of marrying Sofia, when i'm shaken out of my deep sleep. I see Mateo standing there as Leonardo shakes me awake, " Boss, somethings happened to Sofia and Angelina the trackers on the car are gone and there is not way to see where they are. I thought the girls could have turned the tracker off but, you need to know what your doing and how to turn it off correctly and somethings telling me they would not have a clue." I sit there shocked at the news i've received, i quickly run and get dressed before grabbing armour and going to where they were last seen which was the farm.

Her Innocence, His evilजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें