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Sofias Pov

I sit there playing with Alara and Antonella, we are playing pick-a-boo as i hear stomping to look up and hear a gun shot and a bullet shooting past Alara's head i feel a sharp aching in my stomach when i look down and see the bullet enter my stomach i sit there shocked and hear Antonella let a scream loud enough to burst and ear drum. I'm holding my stomach in pain crying when my father start yelling greek " you are pathetic, your just so pathetic!" i somehow found the courage to scream back in english "I'm pathetic? you are the one that killed Alessio's father, Emanuele, and maybe if you we wouldn't be here and i would be on the farm as far away from you, you monster rot in hell"as he walks towards me and next thing i feel is pain in my cheek. My father points the gun towards Antonella and Alara thats when i saw in Alessio i could tell he was ready to kill anyone that got in his way.

"fermare you asshole you are not killing anymore of my family" he gets angrier. He grabs his mother and sister and shields them, i see his emotion change he looks intrigued and he walked towards me and kneels down and grabs me by my neck and then i feel a sharp metal thing into the side of my temple. I feel betrayed i feel weak and useless i feel like he just ripped my heart out and stomped on it. I knew things where too good to be true, i felt broken as i sobbed out looking into his eyes for reassurance as he looked at me deathly.

I start thinking that i should have ended everything that day so i wouldn't be here now, i hear over my thoughts Alessio screaming at my father" you kill my father, i kill your only family and even if it has to be you whore of a daughter then fine thats how it has to go" i look at him as if i just died, i can never trust him or forgive him, i'm going to die with no one. he also yells angrier then before " I will never choose her over my family" i just sit there quietly sobbing and wishing my father didn't missed and shot me in the head. My father scoffs " do you think i want my daughter? no i could not give a fuck about her keep her she is useless to me, she was useless the day she wouldn't sleep with the Spanish Mafia Boss, she can't do anything right she's a mistake." i sit there completely broken to hear my father express how he feels and how i was no good to him because i didn't sleep with that Spanish Mafia Boss.

I feel Antonella grab me and pull me into a hug as i sit there weakly "i came here to kill the last of the Italia Mafia so we can make someone else boss, you don't know how to do your job" my father yells at Alessio. Alessio grabs his gun but before he could fire he gets shot and groans from the pain, as he aims for Alessio's head when i see Leonardo go behind my father and coldly slits his throat. As much as i hate him right now my only family had just been killed, i let out a loud ear piercing screech as i see my fathers lifeless body, Before i start to see everything going blurry and hear Antonella  screaming for help as i see everything go dark.

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