Welcome home! and welcome to our home!

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We all get out of the cars as Angelina runs to Sofia and holds her hand before they walk in Alessio gives Angelina the room closest to Mateo so he can keep an eye on her, they go to her room and they both talk about what happened in the car when they were interrupted by Leonardo " boss wants you to meet him in his room now" he says as he walk out and Angelina asked who he was and why he was so weird, so Sofia quickly told her the story before leaving.

She walks into Alessio's room and knocks before hearing him telling her to come in. "Leonardo said you wanted to see me?" i turn to face her " yes actually i am letting you know you will be sharing a room with me, and before you protest i won't hear it your staying with me so get your stuff and come back here, i'm not letting you stay in your own room before you think of escaping again" she sighs and stomps her feet before walking out and grabbing her things.

They ate dinner and had small talk before Alessio got up and left to go to his room, Sofia grabbed everyones plates in the kitchen and decided to help the maids clean with Angelina before Angelina returned to her room and Sofia had finished her dishes and she walked up to Alessio's room. She walked in and Alessio walked out with just a towel on and it was low you could see his torso, and she sat there and observed his body before she snapped out of it hearing "you like what you see" as she rolled her eyes and got up and walked into the bathroom to shower.

She get's out and walks out into the bedroom to see Alessio laying reading a book before looking up at her drying her hair and just in a towel " you like what you see?" Sofia asks jokingly, " actually i don't like it i love it" as she blushes at what he says before walking into the closet and grabbing her lace top and flannel pants before playing with her damp hair and walking out to the bed. She made a barrier between them with pillows and hopped into bed before turning her bedside lamp off and rolling over away from Alessio, she quickly falls asleep to the sound of calm music playing.

Sofia's Pov

I wake up to hear someone groaning and someone wrapped around my waist i wake up to see the barrier gone and Alessio peacefully sleeping as he lays on my breasts with his arms around my waist. I lay there patiently waiting for him to wake up. I start to get uncomfortable and i go to get up but he pulls me back to lay down " stay, pleasee for at least 5 minutes" as he whines. I lay back down and lay there looking at the roof silently as he rolls over and grabs me and puts me on top of him trying to lay me down on top of him i push up and go to get off " stay" he says dominantly and i do as he says he grabs my waist and sits up with me still on his lap.

He roughly rolls me over and towers over me as he starts kissing my neck and then kisses me on the lips i kiss him back for some reason, it felt right and it felt good. He starts taking my top off but i quickly pull it up " stop i said i wouldn't till marriage" he looks annoyed but replies " that's alright i can wait till where married" i let out a laugh " good joke bro" he looks mad and gets off me " i am not your bro and you will fall in love with me and willingly marry me trust me. Ohh and also we have a party tonight so i will give you my card and go get what you want with Angelina" i laugh and smile as i get up kiss him and walk to the bathroom as i hear him whisper " god damn she's fine" as i laugh and walk in the bathroom to get ready for the day.

I get out and get dressed and Alessio gets dressed " also your going with three bodyguards" i scoff " i am not going out with body guards thats ridiculous" he grabs me by my waist " it is either you go with three guards or not at all" i laugh " looks like i am not going, parties aren't my thing anyway and definitely not with you" as i teasingly smirk " fine then me and Mateo will come, we will blend in ok as your boyfriends" I shake my head in amazement and walk out to go to Angelina and tell her.

After 5 hours of intense shopping we got out dresses, we go home and have showers and i decide to straighten my hair for a change and then we both do our make up and put our dresses on.

Sofias dress-

Angelinas dress-

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Angelinas dress-

Alessio and Mateo yell out for us to hurry up we are going to be late, we run out of the room and walk down the stairs as the boys mouths drop at the site of us me and ANgelina laugh and take the boys arms before walking to the cars

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Alessio and Mateo yell out for us to hurry up we are going to be late, we run out of the room and walk down the stairs as the boys mouths drop at the site of us me and ANgelina laugh and take the boys arms before walking to the cars.

Her Innocence, His evilحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن