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Alessios Pov

My mum just threatened to kill me if i hurt Sofia, I look at her feeling betrayed but what hurt me more was my father used to abuse my mother and i was just my father by abusing Sofia i walk up to my mum and hug her and apologise for my outburst, Sofia stands there taking in everything before walk away when my mother screamed out " honey are you ok?" but she didn't answer it was like she was thinking hard about something.

I walk my mum to her room where Alara is sleeping and i place a kiss on Alaras forehead and then walk up to my mother and kiss her on the cheek before walking out. On my way back i knock on Sofias room but theres no answer i walk in and see sleeping on the floor of the room shivering from being cold. I walk up and pick her up and lay her on the bed and put the blanket over her before placing a kiss on her forehead and walking out.

Sofias Pov

I get to my room and i freak out i slam the door and start having a panic attack, i can't breath its so hard to breath but i am not going to Alessio for help. I don't care about him anymore he is not who i thought he was, i crawl too the side of the bed and lean against the bed but i will not sleep on that bed where him or one of his whores have slept on so i lay quietly sobbing on the floor i quiet down when i hear foot steps i lay silently shivering from the cold floor.

I hear a knock but decide to ignore it and close my eyes, i hear someone walk in i stay dead still and i feel myself being picked up and placed on the bed before that someone places a kiss on my forehead, i hear them walk away and open the door and before the could leave i see it is Alessio. Why did he kiss me? he wanted me dead and clearly hates me. I sit there dead silent until i hear silence before i get up and quietly open the door before closing it and tip toeing down the stairs to the back garden, i watch to see if anyone is there and i quietly and slowly open the back door and run out.

I see the back gate i run for it, i make it out the Albertini estates and run up the road for a few minutes when i come to see a bus that will take me back home but i can't go there all my memories are there so i decide i will go to Angelinas place which is my best friend. I sit on the bus wondering if i am safe or if the Greeks are trying to find me and kill me, or wondering how Alessio is going to react when he finds out i ran away from him.

I get off the bus at the station near Angelinas house i ran as fast as i can to her house. After five minutes of complete running i make i to her door step it is around 11pm at night and i am banging on her door. Her brother answers " Hey Sofia are you ok? what are you doing here so late?" i quickly reply " i am fine, i just need to talk to Angelina" he lets me in and i run up the stairs i run through her door when she gets scared until she realises its me. "OMG SOFIA WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!" i shush her to be quiet " i was kidnapped from the Italian mafia turns out my dad killed there boss and there son decided to take me to lure my dad to them, my dad eventually came but not for me he came to kill Alessio which is the new mafia boss and son of Emanuele the old mafia boss. And my dad shot me then was killed in front of my eyes after the fact he told me i was useless and pathetic and the Spanish Mafia leader should have raped me that day".

She sits there registering it " UM OK WTF SINCE WHEN WERE MAFIAS A THING AND SINCE WHEN WERE YOU KIDNAPPED" i laugh "well i found out when i was five when i saw a man kill my mother and then my dad killing him, i was kidnapped when we were at that club a few weeks ago and turns out it was his club" she sits there looking worried. " Isn't this Alessio guy going to be looking for you?" i sarcastically say " yeh of course he's gonna kill us all" she freaks out "I'm kidding he has never heard of you before from me so he won't find me ok and plus it's not like you have heaps of family they can trace you back too" as i realise what i just said, Angelinas parents died when she was younger and it was just her and her older brother that didn't really like her but promised to always care for her. I quickly hug her and apologise but it didn't seem to affect her all she could do was cuddle me because she missed me.

We decided to watch funny movies and eat junk food, before her falling asleep and me falling asleep right after her.

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