"Something special.” Liam returns smiling.”

"Like what?”

Liam leans forward. “We are here to try French cuisine aren’t we?”

Diamond nods mutely.

“I randomly ordered one of their most popular dishes then.”

Popular dishes? 

"Don’t tell me your ordered snails?” She asks with an incredulous look on her face.

“That I did do.”

“I am not eating a snail!” She exclaims eyes wide. “The poor snail Liam! It doesn’t deserve to be eaten that way.”

Liam rolls his eyes at his wife’s dramatic antiques.

“I have never tried snails before.” He explains. “Dad suggested them though so…”

Adalene returns impressively balancing the ordered dishes in her hands.

"Un Boeuf bourguignon et un Croque Monsieur pour le charmant couple. J'espère que le repas vous satisfera et en profiter. One boeuf buorguignon and a Croque Monsieur. Hope the meal reaches your satisfaction and enjoy."

Diamond’s mouth waters at the tantalizing aroma coming from her food. As she was about to stab her fork into the dish, Liam stops her.

“Starters first.” He says in a fake scolding voice.

Diamond shakes her head. “No thanks, I’m good.”

“Come on Diamond! Try it, it might taste good.”

“No.” She crosses her arms stubbornly.

“We wouldn’t want to waste perfectly good food right?”

Diamond stares at the pleading look Liam was sent to her. Letting out a dramatic sigh she picks up one of the snails and stares at it.

“Let’s try one together.” She suggests.

Liam shrugs and picks up one of his own. The two share a nod before taking in the snail.

The couple stares at each other for a few seconds, their tastebuds taking in the taste. Diamond chews slowly before swallowing forcefully. Liam does the same.

“While I appreciate trying new foods, this one isn’t for me,” Liam says softly.

Diamond nods in agreement. “I guess we share a different palate from others. The taste isn’t bad but it’s not for me.”

Liam covers the dish and places it on the side. He grabs his cutlery and grins at his wife.

“Bon Appètite.”


“Thank you Mr and Mrs Park for joining us. I hope you enjoyed your meal and goodnight."Adalene said whilst smiling at the passing couple.

"Thank you, Adalene the meal was lovely," Liam replies a smile on his face.


The couple returns to their suite, both equally exhausted. Diamond couldn’t wait to jump in the bed and fall asleep in the goodness of the silk sheets.

She was incredibly excited about sleep until she realized she had to sleep with Liam once again.

If I put it that way. She ponders shaking her head whilst shutting the bathroom door.

Diamond slips out of her dinnerwear and replaces them with her pajamas. She ties up her braids and slides them inside her bonnet. She looks at herself in the mirror and nods encouragingly at herself and heads outside.

Assuming Diamond had gone into the bathroom to change, Liam opted for the dressing area. He stares at the t-shirts in front of him before randomly picking one up. He silently grimaces at the feeling of sleeping with a shirt on.

Dressed up he drags himself towards the bedroom area and flops on his side of the bed. Too exhausted to keep his eyes open he waits quietly for his wife to join.

A few minutes pass and Liam feels the bed dip silently. Diamond had laid down on her side and was trying to be as quiet as possible to try not to wake Liam up.

How sweet.

She switches off the lampshade on her side and falls into a deep slumber.


Liam didn’t know why, but he couldn’t sleep. He was utterly exhausted and him not sleeping make him annoyed.

Jet lag. He groans softly to himself.

He switches sides to try and find a position that would allow him to sleep. But it was all in vain. Giving up, he laid flat, facing the ceiling with his eyes closed.

Liam doesn’t know how much time passed but he felt Diamond shuffling a bit. He looks over to his wife who is still very much asleep but seemed uncomfortable in her position.

At least one of us is sleeping soundly. He thinks endearingly.

Caught off guard, Liam feels a weight on top of him. Diamond’s leg was once again on top of his abdomen. Her hand was thrown over across his stomach, slightly squeezing him in the process.

Liam couldn’t help but chuckle at his wife’s antics.

She did it again.



I just want to say that in no way or form am I trying to offend the French culture or their food. I am not fluent in French so Google translate was used.

I adore and respect their language and culture. In no way am I trying to sound disrespectful or disoriented.

French Cuisine alone with their language as well as their culture is absolutely beautiful.



Insta: jseraphina_writes
Website: selflivingcare.home.blog

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