Chapter 19 "Falling Slowly"

Start from the beginning

"Remember when I asked you to go to the third floor and I handed you that candy bar?" asked Hannah with a smile.

"Yeah? What about it?" I asked with a puzzled look on my face.

"Well... I got it all mixed up. I thought AJ was there 'cause I heard they we're holding auditions. I didn't know it was supposed to be a few days later. So instead of AJ... you saw Jessie rehearsing with the dancers. That candy bar I gave you, it was AJ's favorite. She used to come into the kitchen and asked if I bought her what she asked for. I have a lot of candy bars stashed away. You want some?"

I didn't know how to respond at Hannah's revelations... but one thing is for sure, I was meant to see Jessie that day.

"Here. Take this to our beloved customer." Said Hannah handing me a tray of AJ's meal and the candy bar.

I walked out of the kitchen and placed AJ's meal on her table. She didn't say anything 'cause she was looking through her messages on her phone. I shook my head and started to mop again on the other side of the room.

"Eat well, my darling." Said Carol pinching AJ's cheeks.

"Right. By the way, Aunt Carol, where's Jessie? I have to talk to her."

"She's upstairs rehearsing." I suddenly answered.

AJ glanced at me and frowned.

Why is she frowning??? Wow! Just wow! That arrogant... Ugh!!!

Later on, AJ stood up after she finished eating. I know for sure she ate her favorite candy bar. She went upstairs to see Jessie.

Hmm... I wonder what are they gonna talk about?

"Rodriguez! You've been mopping that same floor for about 30 minutes now!" Yelled Carol. "Look!" she pointed.

Great... My mind is drifting off again.

"Thanks, buddy! I'll talk to her today, for sure." Said Jessie coming down from the stairs followed by AJ.

"Alright then. Make sure you do." Said AJ.

Jessie hugged me from behind and kissed me on my cheeks.

"Babe, I have to tell you something." Said Jessie.

I faced Jessie and said, "What is it?"

"Well, AJ just informed me that my mom came by to my old apartment to find that I wasn't there. She tried calling me but I forgot to tell her I changed my number. So she called AJ. She wanted to meet me to a restaurant this evening to talk about something." Said Jessie.

"O-okay? So?" I asked.

"So, our dinner date tonight is cancelled 'cause of that. But don't worry, I'll tell her all about you and you'll meet her soon."

"I see."

"So is that okay?" Jessie asked while holding my hand.

"Yeah! No problem. I'll just meet you later tonight."

"Yeah... one more thing. I might sleep over at her house. 'Cause talking with my mom is an overnight thingy. I'll tell you all about it when I get home, okay? I love you." Jessie gave me a kiss and hugged me tight.

"Okay. I love you, too. Call me when you get there."

"I will."

Jessie headed out together with AJ.

"Well, well... Isn't that sweet. Now that the choreographer finished her lessons an hour early, it's time for someone to clean my rehearsal studio. I don't want it to smell like sweat. Kristina, I know you want to volunteer. So, here's your bucket, a cleaning clothe, this new detergent that I bought that kills 99.9% of bacteria, this air freshener that you can spray all over the room and I can see that you already have your mop. Now, all you need to do is go up and clean." Commanded Carol.

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