S1: OVA 3 Fear The Feline Flu

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Nobodies POV

Beeping was heard as the hospital equipment responded to the sick, pained nekoshous Heartbeat. He laid upon a bed desperately clinging to the scarce energy that powered his body. It was that time of year, he should have seen it coming. Yet it caught him by surprise, and as a result he is stuck in this situation. His eyes flickered weakly as they gazed upon the small room that he was confined too. It was small with an unappealing interior design. The paint on the walls reeked of boredom and lacked any form of personality. The smell of the room was albiet not rancid, but smelt as if it had been doused in bleach. A tray of equipment stood beside him containing many things like scalpels and a stethoscope to name a few. The ceiling looked old and the paint had become worn and even chipped off in certain spots.

Katsu's eyes attempted to focus more on the area but alas they became blurred and soon snapped shut. He was alone, saddened yet hopeful. He knew right away what he had when he noticed the specific symptoms. He had contracted the Feline flu. As the name implies it effects Nekomatas and Nekoshou exclusively, and thankfully is not contagious to anyone who isn't either of those species. After a few more minutes of silence, he heard the old wooden door slowly creak open as the nurse who was overlooking him peeked her way inside. She was an older woman, perhaps around his mother's age, He did not know if she knew about the supernatural or not. Regardless she had gotten a chair and plopped down before addressing Katsu.

"Mr Auichi, it appears you have contracted some foreign strain of the influenza virus. We have never encountered this strain before. Thankfully we have deduced it is not fatal. But the bad news is the symptoms have been exacerbated. All I can say is your going to have a rough recovery process. Your mother has contacted us and has requested for you to be removed from our care tomorrow. We granted this request but we cautioned her that if your condition worsened, you should be escorted here immediately." The nurse explained as she looked over Katsu.

"Well that was a given. I'm guessing human medication won't do much against a supernatural illness. Maybe my mother will have some kind of countermeasure to this illness. Regardless, I gotta hang in there for today and not give up" Katsu thought as he received the news from the nurse about the status of his condition.

The nurse knew that Katsu was weak and pained so she tried her hardest to put on a smile and help him think positively. Katsu's mouth worked, but no words found their way out. Instead he chose to slowly but surely nod his head in acknowledgment towards the nurse. She in turn shot a hopeful smile back at him. The nurse proceeded to retreat back into the hallway, but she hastily returned and covered Katsu in a duvet. It was not the most comfortable in the world, but it would do. Upon making sure he was comfortable the nurse turned the lights off then left to continue tending to the needs of the other patients. Katsu laid in the pitch black darkness and felt tired. So he let his body drift to sleep and he soon found himself face to face with Ddraig.

The red dragon greeted Katsu but was shocked at his current state. The red dragon was previously resting, laying dormant but ready to be used at a moments notice. He didn't expect Katsu to turn out as he did. But since this was a dream, Ddraig manipulated it and cleaned Katsu up so his body was less sweaty and his clothing less generic. Ddraig then lowered his head, making his normally towering height be eye to eye with his partner.

"Young one, How did you turn out like this? You look awful, you must be sick with an illness of some kind. So please do not hesitate in informing me what it is" Ddraig said while concern was painted on his face. Katsu groggily informed Ddraig about him coming down with the feline flu, how it affects him and how he has to survive it until it goes on its own. Ddraig nodded his head in response to his explanation.

"This "feline flu" does indeed sound serious. I can already tell your in absolutely no condition to battle, i would be surprised if you could manage 2 boosts. I don't know enough about this condition to help much but all I can say is be honest with the girls, and above all else keep away from Koneko. As a fellow Nekoshou, she is vulnerable to this condition and the last thing we need is her falling sick too" Ddraig informed.

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