Chapter 6: Enter Asia Argento

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(Nobodys POV)

Soft purring and snoring was the only noise present within the calm, still bedroom of Katsu Auichi. He was cuddled up under his soft duvet, his fluffy tails were poking out and hung limp and inactive. He however was not the only occupant of the room, as he was sharing it with a fellow nekomata. The still body of Koneko Toujou was snuggled up close to the warm, comforting body of Katsu. She slept peacefully at his side, her tail was resting on Katsu's right leg just below his crotch. Her eyes were still slightly red from the prior experiences of the previous night.

Katsu woke first, he stretched his stiff, warm form and cracked his body fully waking himself. He looked outside to be greeted with the morning sun. He sought his alarm clock which laid on his counter parallel to his bed. He gently lifted the thing off his counter and examined it. The time read 9:30. Katsu's eyes widened. HE HAD OVERSLEPT AGAIN!! He had to wake Koneko up, problem is she was still fast asleep and Katsu hated having to disturb her.

"Koneko come on we need to get up, we need to head to school" Katsu called out with another yawn. The sleepy nekomata groaned and rolled over slightly, her fluffy tail wrapped around Katsu's body. Katsu couldn't help but crack a smile at her cuteness. Knowing better than anyone, Katsu realised early on that Koneko was certainly not a morning person. On more than one occasion, Katsu was tasked with waking the white haired Nekoshou up from her deep slumber. How stereotypical, a cat spirit loved their naps.

"*groan* Five more minutes Katsu" Koneko responded groggily as she ignored his attempts at waking her up. Katsu facepalmed at her antics, this always happened. He had to come up with something so he wouldn't get yelled at by Rias.

"Koneko if you wake up, i'll fix you some toast with your favourite brand of milk" Katsu offered to the stubborn Nekoshou. This had worked on a few occasions. Koneko was a sucker for some brands of milk. But it appeared this time, the old trick wouldn't succeed.

"Had that last week" Koneko added, not moving an inch from her previous spot. Okay so toast and milk was out of the question. Katsu decided to move on to the next thing that could work. Video games. Koneko was a massive fan of her video games, particularly FPS and RPG's. 

"Okay... what about if I let you borrow my copy of "Pokaytron Jade" I know you've always wanted to play that version since you have the Amethyst version" Katsu bartered. The pair would always try and get the opposite version of the game so they could collect all the Pokaytrons. 

"Already have the exclusives Katsu" Koneko replied. Katsu racked his brain for any other answer he could think of. Then something struck him, it was the absolute pinnacle of a last resort. But in this case, he figured if he had a card left in the deck might as well play it. Taking a deep breath he spoke.

"I'll perv on you if you don't get out of bed Koneko" Katsu said. This caused Koneko to instantly shoot up from her sleep, still seated but now aware, she turned to Katsu and stared him dead in the eye. Katsu's blood ran cold, he expected this. Preparing for whatever punch would come his way, Katsu made sure to brace himself for the hard impact of her right hook. However, instead of receiving a punch, all he heard was soft laughter from Koneko. With a surprised expression, Katsu saw Koneko cutely laughing at what he said. This.... was certainly not what he was expecting.

"Katsu if I knew you were that desperate to get me out of bed, I would have asked for pancakes." Koneko said with a smile. She knew Katsu was no pervert, so that statement was one of the most ridiculous that she had heard in awhile. Eventually after finishing her laughing, Koneko got out of bed and straightened herself out. She hastily re-tied her kimono up and cracked her back and knuckles to restore the feeling.

"I'm gonna freshen up, if I don't see pancakes i'm going back to bed" Koneko announced as she made her way down the hall and into the nearby bathroom. Stopping in front of a mirror, Koneko opened her kimono enough to see the state of her injury last night. The bandages and ointment clearly did its job, as she could see traces of dried up blood near the front of the bandage. Figuring it was now time to remove it, she gently peeled it away while trying to ignore the feeling of dried up blood tearing away. The wound was now sealed, it wasn't fully healed up yet but it was certainly a start. Deciding she should take a shower, she proceeded to strip out of her clothing before turning on the shower and stepping inside.

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