S1 OVA 2: Day with the foxes

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(Nobodies POV)

It had been a long day since the ice cream date and Katsu was lying down comfortably on his bed, surprisingly alone for a change as the other members were out fulfilling contracts or catching up on some last minute school work. Before Katsu was going to go to bed, he decided to go out and check his mail box to see if anyone had sent him anything. Usually his mothers would have sent him over some money or a card asking how his week had been, so to not be rude katsu thought it was his duty to check it out.

Upon making it to the colourfully polished mailbox, he noticed there was indeed some kind of note addressed to him. He carefully opened the mailbox and retrieved the letter inside as he proceeded back inside. Eagerly clutching the letter he examined the message for anything that could point to who it was from. And he found a signature marking of a small 9 tailed fox on it. Katsu's entire body shook a little as he realised the letter was from The great 9 tailed fox Yasaka. Katsu carefully tore the letter and slipped out the message and read it out loud.

*Dear Katsu*

*Since it has been over a decade since you have visited me, Kunou and the rest of the fox tribe, I feel it important that you must spend the day with us to catch up and experience our culture properly. It will not be dull and there will be plenty to do and see, not to mention it would help flush out some more useful skills for any future fights you may find yourself in.*

*I loved seeing you fight in that rating game but I couldnt help but see that you were not strong enough to beat riser. So please I must insist you come on down to Kyoto and spend the day.*

*Sincerely from Yasaka*

Katsu's Nekoshou features showed themselves as he got a little excited about visiting Yasaka again. As usual, her charms had enraptured Katsu within its binds. But then another thought crossed his mind, how would he break the news to everyone especially Koneko. Would they be upset at him leaving so suddenly for a day? Would they think he was betraying their trust or maybe cheat on them?  Katsu had no other choice but to wait for them to return back from their various assignments the next day.  In the meantime he felt his right arm feel funny, it felt throbbing almost but oddly not in pure agony. It felt almost like morse code, someone trying to contact him.

"Ddraig?" Katsu said out loud. He wondered if this was the work of the red dragon who he had sacrificed that very same arm too in order to gain the power to hold off Riser. They had been working their hardest to come up with a non verbal way to communicate to each other, it was safest that way. This must be Ddraig's attempts at doing so. Katsu held his wrist up so Ddraig could continue,

"About time you got my communications young one. So the leader of the fox tribes in Kyoto, Yasaka, is personally inviting you down to spend the day? Do it. The skills and talents the tribe has is extremely beneficial to learn. I will be here should a fight choose to present itself.  However I must also say, sometime during the day Yasaka has requested for me to speak with her. But until then, I shall leave you alone with this message. "If she chooses to pamper you, do not fight it, it is considered very rude to" Ddraig concluded before he halted communication with Katsu.

Katsu left the communication with a confused expression on his face, what did Ddraig mean by pampering? And what did they want to talk about? How did he even communicate with her without his knowledge? Brushing this off, Katsu returned to his room to continue with some prior homework he had to take care off. All the commotion with the Rating Game caused the young Nekoshou to be swamped with homework. It was less difficult, more tedious, but he knew that Sona wouldn't be happy if he didn't finish it.

The next day came and he called all his friends to break the news. Which eventually they did return as one by one the members of the Occult Research Club all arrived. Rias came first, walking in with a curious expression. Following the red head, Akeno stuck behind her king with small smirk on her face. Kiba, Asia and lastly Koneko came in last all eager to question Katsu on what he had to say.

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