Chapter 5: Too late to save him

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(Nobody's pov)

Katsu awoke comfortably on the sofa from which Koneko had left him. He got up with a yawn and proceeded to compose himself, straightening his slightly unkempt clothing and patting his hair down so it was straight and headed out of the ORC room while rubbing his eyes. He yawned again and proceeded to crack his back to restore some of the feeling to it.  He leaned to his pocket and retrieved his phone to check the time, only to be met with over 40 texts and miss calls. Koneko was apparently either too lazy to wake him up herself, or she was too busy.He hoped and prayed that he hadn't left his phone on silent. Much to her annoyance he had indeed left his phone on silent. 

He began to adjust slowly to the fact he officially became a Half Nekoshou Half Devil hybrid. He noticed the before dim room, had now glown up significantly and no details of its interior escaped his blue eyes. He felt his strength also go up a threshold as well. But the most noticeable change was his hearing. He could already hear incredibly well due to his Nekoshou genetics, but this... this was almost like a X2 multiplier to it. Refocusing on his task at hand, he read the texts quickly.

The texts told him to head over to the nearby coffee shop for a round of coffee and discussions on the plans ahead. Katsu enjoyed the thought of having a coffee, it had been a while since he last had a day out anyway, so he packed up his items and made his way to the shop. The trip through the bustling, huge city of Kuoh was uneventful. The sounds of buzzing cars and general chit chat from the inhabitants filled his ears like sand in a sandpit. On the way he thought about what today could entail. If they were this frantic in contacting him, and if they needed to send over 40 messages to his phone, it wasn't going to be just for pleasantries. As he came to the coffee store,  He was greeted with the front entrance of the store. The pale blue sign hung with little decay although some dirt was present. The windows were well maintained with zero cracks in sight. Katsu had passed by this place several times on his many treks throughout Kuoh. 

Keeping his thoughts focused, Katsu proceeded in the store with a small bell dinging to signal his arrival. The sweet aroma of coffee filled his nostrils as he inhaled and exhaled to savor the scent. Turning his head, he scanned the seats looking for his sister and friend. Soon enough red locks were spotted in his peripheral vision, only one person he knows in this town has that hair. His sister. Trotting over to the table he maneuvered all around the many shop goers and made it to their chair with care.  

Rias was seated near the back of the store, squatted in a corner away from the other people. She was seated in a chair analyzing the menu for the style of coffee she would indulge herself in. Parallel to her was Koneko, she was also seated upon a chair talking it up with Rias. She had a mug of coffee already to her side, Katsu assumed it was heavy on sugar as Koneko had an addiction to sweet stuff.

Rias spotted Katsu as he was closing in and gave him a quick hug. He scooched past their chairs, finding one chair was spare for him to sit on which he did right away. Rias then handed him a wad of money for him to order whatever drink he wanted. A waiter approached Katsu and asked for his order.  After some thinking, he eventually settled on a standard coffee with a few sugars. Now they were reunited Rias begun their conversation to explain why they were really here . Koneko and Rias were both donning their typical school uniform, minus the fact due to the hot, humid temperature Koneko had decided to unbutton her blazer and go with the normal white t-shirt. 

"Ahh Katsu good to see you arrived here on such short notice, but im afraid its not just for a cup of coffee. Serious things are afoot today and there is a potential opportunity to seriously benefit the ORC and my family in general" Rias spoke with severity and confidence lacing her tongue.

Katsu nodded his head in curiosity, however unlike the classic saying "Curiosity kills the cat" Katsu would not be the one who would die tonight. Katsu noticed the tension in the room become so thick you could slice it with a knife. A shiver shot up his spine, his back twitching and quivering in response. Undeterred, he pushed the feeling of uncertainty down as he faced the pair.

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