S1 OVA 1: Kendo Girls And The Ice Cream Date

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(Nobodies POV)

It had been a few days since the party that celebrated Rias and her peerages victory over the cocky, arrogant man that was Riser Phenex, the time had finally come for relaxation and the return to the mundane lives of being in school. Katsu was sleeping comfortably in his bed, the sun was subtly shining back at him, but little did the Nekoshou know, his alarm clock was not set and he was sure to be late if he didn't wake up soon. Luckily for him, he didn't end up needing an alarm clock. The covers begun to move as someone poked their head out. A red headed, long haired individual begun shaking her adopted brother to wake him up. Rias giggled a little but eventually was successful in waking him up. The scheming devil enjoyed teasing her brother, making sure to keep his life from being boring. How she always found her way inside of his apartment, nobody would ever know.

"Urghh, what time is it?" Katsu called out groggily as he rubbed his eyes and attempted to get his vision clear. Katsu had forgotten that today was Monday, or in other words it was the beginning of his re-entry into school after the break. His sleeping schedule had been tampered with quite heavily due to the training session for the rating game, not to mention the aftermath of it. He was so out of energy for days, it was a surprise he was able to function normally this quickly.

"It's time for you to get up Katsu, its nearly 8am, you need to shower dress and please don't forget to make breakfast for yourself please. I'm sick of always having to remind you." Rias answered while she stretched, causing her bosom to bounce. Katsu took one look at Rias and instantly facepalmed while covering his eyes. She was here again! How did she do it? At least she was wearing panties and a bra this time, unlike the past 3 times she did this.

"Rias why do you have to sleep in my bed, it's too early for me to deal with this" Katsu said with an annoyed tone while the redhead simply giggled. She got up from her bed and dressed herself in her smart attire. She decided to wear clothes this time, mainly so that Katsu could have a nice re-entry into school life again. She knew he had been through enough, so she decided to spare him from the major teasing and instead give him only a small amount.

"I have to sleep here since someone I know keeps forgetting to set their alarm for school. Besides we are still in Winter. I need to stay warm and since your a Nekomata well, its pretty obvious. You always give the best cuddles" Rias said while shrugging her shoulders.

"Be a bit easier to warm up if you slept in ya know "some clothes" Katsu answered back while he begun setting his bed and reorganizing his pillows

"Hey in my defence I am wearing clothes this time. I could have gone commando if I wanted to, but I chose to wear underwear. It is getting quite cold these past few days. At least this time, the weather isn't so bad and it won't rain or snow. You better get dressed though Katsu, ill meet you down at Kuoh later" Rias added as she gave Katsu a hug. Katsu accepted the hug and made his way into the bathroom, bringing his school attire with him.

Taking the chance, he applied some of the aftershave that Yasaka gifted to him on his 17th birthday a few months back. It was a very rare brand, only sold to those who had serious change to spare. Yasaka got a special discount this time, primarily due to the fact she knew the couple who made the product and she helped them gain market share. This was her gift to Katsu, she told him it would "Come in handy later" whatever that meant.

After he was finished freshening up, he proceeded to do a once over of his apartment. First checking inside of Asia's room. The cute blonde was of course not there, clearly more aware of schedules than the sleepy Nekoshou. Katsu took a moment and smiled in admiration to how she had converted the guest room. It was decorated with a purpley blue wallpaper. On her desk side table, laid a copy of the bible. On the walls, several photographs of her and the ORC were neatly hung up. First a cute selfie of her and Koneko at the ice cream parlour. Secondly, a group picture of the ORC taken after the party. And finally, a photo of her and Katsu out by the arcade where they went just to name a few of the notable ones.

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