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You nodded in agreement with Nancy. You took a deep breath. "And we do apologize..." 

 "Don't apologize, Lily. Screw that." Robin shook her head and looked into your eyes. She then stared at Hatch.

"The fact is, we did put in a request months ago and were denied. And then we reapplied and were denied again. And coming here was our last-ditch effort to save our thesis." She sighed and started grabbing at her shirt. "And I really... can't breathe in this thing!" 

Nancys tone became a bit passive. "Well, Rose, maybe you'd like to go outside and get some air?"

Robin stood up and slammed her hands on the desk. You flinched a bit at the sound of her hands against the table. "Maybe I should, Ruth! Because I'm starting to think this whole thing is a colossal mistake! I'm breaking out in a rash, my boobs hurt!  And I'll tell you the truth, Anthony," Hatch tilted his head as Robin addressed him. 

"May I call you Anthony? These aren't my clothes. I borrowed them because I wanted you to take us seriously. Because nobody takes girls seriously in this field! They just don't! We don't look the part or whatever!"

"But can I tell you a story?" Robin sighed. Her face hardened and the gleam in her eye became glossy. 

"1978, I was at summer camp. And my counselor Drew told me and everyone in Cabin C the true story of the Victor Creel Massacre. And little Petey McHew... You know Petey, right, girls?"

Nancy raised a brow and you nodded "Of... Of course."

 "Yeah." You looked at Nancy for any sight of reassurance in the moment.

She just continued to let Robin talk.

"Little Petey McHew started sobbing right there on the spot. Full-on hyperventilating. The other campers couldn't sleep for weeks. I couldn't either, but not because I was scared. Because I was obsessed with the question, 'What would drive a human being to commit such unimaginable acts?'"

 She shook her head and smiled, never breaking her eye contact with Hatch. She wanted to get under his skin.

 "Other kids wanted to be astronauts, basketball players, rock stars. But I wanted to be you. I wanted to be you! So, forgive me if I'll now try anything in my power, including wearing this ridiculous outfit, if I might get to speak to the man that ignited my passion and learn a little more about how his twisted, but let's face it... totally fascinating mind works! 

Hatches face became enlightened and curious. 

Robin took a deep breath and nodded. "So, yes, we don't have the official paperwork, but don't tell me that cry-baby Petey McHew wouldn't have gotten an audience with Victor in moments if he'd asked politely, because you and I both know that he would!"

You and Nancy were stunned. Hatch raised his eyebrows.

"So... ten minutes with Victor. That's all I ask." Robin sat back down and exhaled. Her gaze hardened as she waited for Hatch's respond.

He clamped his hands together and sighed. "Follow me."

Hell yeah!

He got up from his desk and made his way to the door. The three of grinned from ear to ear and followed him. 

Hatch nodded to his secretary and check his watch. "I'll be back in thirty."

You all accompanied behind him, smiles still spread across your faces. The three of you shared a low high five as Hatch began to lead you down a long hall to an exit.

They three of you walked down a covered path. Tall pillars towered over you to hold the stone roof over the trail.

You noticed the patients scattered outside, mingling or keeping themselves busy.

"These are our gardens. Beautiful, aren't they? We allow them two hours of outside time a day."

The area wasn't gated off. Pennhurst just let their patients roam freely among the grounds. "Can't they just escape?" You questioned.

Hatch lead you away from the path and onto the grass. You began to cut through the grounds to get to a different side of the building.

"They could, but the vast majority choose to be here. They like it here." Hatch said with a nod as he observed the patients.

He led you to the stone path on the other side of the garden, identical to the one you were previously on. You all went inside and trudged down another hall, stopping at the door of another room.

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