Taehyung laughs at the expression on her face as he sits next to her.

"I've only seen him do this with Yoongi and Harper. Maybe it's a rite of passage or something."

"He's drooling on me."

"Yoongi told me that he peed on him last night so I guess be glad he hasn't peed on you?"

"Touché." Hailey says as she picks him up. "You're the cutest baby in the world, you know that?"

Onyx coos as he looks at her.

"And your mommy really spit you out, didn't she?"

"Her genes really are incredible." Taehyung notes. "Right down to the side-eye."

Hailey laughs and Onyx smiles at her.

"It kind of makes me wonder... if Yoongi and Harper ever have a baby together, who they'll look more like. Because Yoongi looks a lot like his father so I don't know."

"That's a good question." Taehyung says. "I really don't know. We know the Min genes are definitely prominent. But clearly Harper just asexually reproduces kids because what the hell?"

Hailey and Taehyung laugh causing Onyx to giggle.

"He's such a happy baby."

"Everything that he does is so joyous. I'm so happy he's feeling better. That colic phase was hard for Harper, I can't imagine how hard that it was for him."

Hailey sets Onyx back in her lap and he crawls out of it. He crawls back into the living room to explore and finds his blocks on the play mat.

Taehyung follows him into the living room while Hailey gives Sid some extra attention and reassurance.

Tae sits on the floor with Onyx and watches as he grabs for the blocks. He picks up a blue block and tosses it away. Then a green one, then a yellow one. He picks up a red one and frowns before dropping it back down.

He starts to fuss as he grabs at blocks until he picks the pastel shade of pink from the pile. Onyx puts it into his mouth, drooling as he feels it with his tongue.

Taehyung's eyebrows twitch as he looks at all of the blocks. He holds a red one up for him and Onyx smacks at it with his hand. He does the same for the rest the green block that's held up and the blue.

When Taehyung holds up the yellow block, Onyx loses interest in whatever game is being played. He crawls away with a little frown on his face.

"Hmph." Taehyung huffs as he looks at the yellow block. "Interesting. Onyx, you want some jello?"

Onyx doesn't pay him any mind at all as he sits on the floor. He bangs the block on the carpet as he looks around the room.

Taehyung walks over and holds his arms out. Onyx raises his to be picked up and lays his head on the man's shoulder.

"Babaaaa..." Onyx coos.

"Are you sleepy or hungry? Your mommy said that you ate before you came here."


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