The Breaking Point

Start from the beginning

"Wow, I didn't expect that. I thought it was one of those 3 monkeys who did it to you." I say hinting at Casey and her crew " Nah, they're all bark and no bite. I'm not worried about them. Wait, the campus is still mighty busy for it to be past curfew. Did we miss something?" I look around, realizing that Alpha was right. There's light hanging up, banners, and people all around.

"I think the school is holding a fair." I state, smelling cotton candy, popcorn, and funnel cakes in the air.

"Oh shit! That's right, it's the schools winter fair. I forgot completely about it."

Alpha's POV:

"Just like how everyone should forget about you." I tense up as I hear the one voice I didn't want to hear today, or ever really.

" I tense up as I hear the one voice I didn't want to hear today, or ever really

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"Honestly, I'm surprised she's still breathing." Kayla follows up with, wrapped around Bruce's one good arm.

" Kayla follows up with, wrapped around Bruce's one good arm

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I contort my face in disgust, balling up my hands. I take some deep breaths, attempting to quell my anger. "Aww, I think you guys made the poor runt angry. Try not to make her cry now." He teased in his laid-back tone.

"Or what, this poor bitch won't do anything." Casey starts approaching me, with her short figure, me having to look down at her, 'Short shit'. I look over at (Y/N), he looks ready for a confrontation, and I'm sure as fuck about to start one.

(Skip to 0:54)

"Because she's nothing but a weak.piece.of.waste" She says poking me between every word. "Ya know what? I know how to solve this," I say, slightly growling.

"And how d-" Casey doesn't even get to finish her sentence, as I punched the bitch out of her face, sending her back a foot and to the floor. Pouncing ontop of her, I start unleashing my anger in slow, heavy punches, blood flinging from her mouth and nose. Kayla comes and kicks me in the face, sending me off Casey.

"You crazy bitch, you ain't doing shit else!" Kayla charges at me, preparing a kick. I tense my side, tanking the kick. I grab her leg before she can return it, pulling her towards my fist, putting it in her gut, causing her to double over, putting me in the position to knee her in the snout. She falls to the ground.


Sitting here, watching Alpha have an all out brawl with the goon trio, I realize she's not just strong, but skilled in fighting. The way how she grabbed Kayla's leg like that and reversed it on her was cool. I want to pull her off, but I don't want to end up like those two. Fuck it, a crowd is forming, everyone is filming this watching the scene unfold, Imma do something about it.

I jump in grabbing Alpha around her waist, "Come on Alpha, I know they deserve it, but you gotta calm down!" I say trying to pull her back 'I don't know what her parents been feeding her but she is too damn big!' She turns around and looks me in my eyes,I jolt back a bit. I don't see the girl I was hanging with earlier, I see her true self.

Her Demon Form.

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