Bonus Chapter; Great Auntie Kaitlynn

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"Mommy, hey Mommy! What's this weird picture thingy?"

A tiny nine year old Leonardo was dressed in a cute, spider themed footie onesie in Big Mama's personal vault she had hidden behind a professional painting of both her and him. She was having some things moved into the Hidden City.

"Hmm, oh Baby-shell that's a gift from my Great Auntie Kaitlynn. She passed away and this "weird picture thingy" was bequeathed to me. We were never particularly close, with me being the youngest in my mother's clutch. She was always a bit odd. Anywhizzle, Mama has to step out Baby-shell. Lock the vault when you leave baby. I love you Leonardo"

"I love you too Mommy!"

Leo delighted in the tight hug and forehead kiss his mother gave him before she left. Leo stared at the painting with a scrunchy and confused look on his cute little face. It was a black and white painting of a farmhouse. There were large oak and pine trees in the background, a white picket fence, a huge field of sunflowers, and an old yokai woman standing in front of the house.

"Great Auntie Kaitlynn..."

She was a spider yokai, just like his mother. Her massive yokai form wasn't too dissimilar to Big Mama's, but he couldn't be sure since the picture was in black and white. A crash sounded from the front of the safe. Leonardo jumped, taking his eyes off the painting. The vault door was shut. No matter, it wasn't locked.

Leo looked back at the painting, but tensed up. The painting wasn't in black and white anymore. It wasn't even a painting either. It was a colored photo. Great Auntie Kaitlynn looked identical to Big Mama except for her hair and eyes. Great Auntie Kaitlynn had graying yellow hair and topaz colored eyes. The photo actually scared Leo now. Her face wasn't grumpy; it was grinning and seemingly staring at him.

A mouse scuttled across Leo's feet, making him look away from the photo and yelp. He wasn't afraid of mice, but the timing certainly didn't help his nerves. He looked back at the painting and felt a cold sweat go down his shell. Great Auntie Kaitlynn was standing in front of the Hotel on the human side of the city.

Leo took his phone from a little table to call his mother or Godrick or literally anyone. He looked back up and started crying in fear. Great Auntie Kaitlynn wasn't in the picture but the vault was. The closed vault was in the picture.

"Hello? Baby-shell, is everything okay?"

Leo looked away from the picture to cry into the phone.


Leo dared to look at the picture. As soon as he did, he screamed.


Big Mama got back to the vault as fast as she could, cursing herself for hiring such incompetent bodyguards for her precious son. Leonardo's phone was on the floor, in front of the vault. She looked up at the painting of her deceased aunt and held her mouth. Tears poured down her face in silent horror.

Leonardo stood in front of the farmhouse with the most scared look she'd ever seen on his face. She looked away from the painting as she fell to her knees. She looked back up and the black and white painting changed. It was now a colored photograph. Tears ran down her baby's face and three parallel gashes ran diagonally across the front of his shell. Her Great Aunt Kaitlynn was next to him this time. The claws on her left hand were painted red and draped over his shoulder. Her face was morphed into a sickeningly sweet grin as she seemingly stared at Big Mama.


"And the turtle was never heard from again."

Donnie, Raph, Mikey, and Suzie were huddled together shaking, as Leo told his ghost story of the night.

"But sometimes, in the dead of night, you can still hear Great Auntie Kaitlynn trying to claw her way out of the painting, for new children to work on her farm."

Mikey: "Leo, is that a true story?"

Raph: "Don't worry Mikey, of course it's not true. Right Leo?"

Leo: "Right! Don't worry Mikey! It's just a scary story!"

Suzie: "Leo, what's behind you?"

Leo turned around and started backing up. A semi large, black and white painting of a farmhouse was propped up behind him. He did make that story up, right?

Raph: "Leo, this isn't funny anymore!"

Leo: "Raphie, I didn't do that."

Leo was shaking. Sure he made the story up, but the painting was real. The single lantern they had flickered, leaving them in two seconds of pitch blackness. When they could see again, Great Auntie Kaitlynn was in the now colored photograph.

"Hello children. I need some farmhands. COME BE A VOLUNTEER!"

The large spider yokai detached her upper body from the photo and swiped at them. Everyone screamed and Leo and Mikey straight passed out. Donnie quickly pulled himself into his shell, Raph held all three of his brothers and was pushed behind a growling Suzie.

Two laughing foxes fell from hidden hammocks near the ceiling. Jackie and Daniel snapped their fingers and the painting disappeared.

"That wasn't funny!"

Both foxes were sent to sleep on the couches in the office lounge for the night.

Vote, comment, but have a fantabulous day 😊😊💖💖
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