Chapter 8: Moving Away

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“Is there any way you’d reconsider?”

“Sorry Mum. The kids’ safety comes first.”

“I understand, but you will visit for the holidays and what not, yes?”

“I hope so, but we’ll have to play it by year.”

Samantha and Matthew, Abigail and David, and Caleb were moving from the Grand Nexus due to the kidnapping. Big Mama couldn’t fault them, but the children were vehemently against it. Especially Suzie. It’s been two months since the incident and she still refuses to speak. She growls at her parents every time they bring the subject of moving up to her.

Leonardo was almost always crying, blaming himself from all his friends moving away and leaving him. Shika was confused and the twins yelled at their parents that they didn't want to leave.

Samantha was terrified someone would kidnap her boys. She had lost her baby before it was born, she couldn’t handle something happening to the twins. Caleb was in the same boat as her. Shika was all he had left. His wife passed during childbirth, he couldn’t stand the thought of something taking his only child too.

Abigail and David were devastated. They couldn’t bring themselves to stay in the hotel any longer due to what happened to Suzie. Their only child. She was a headstrong young girl, but she can’t speak due to what happened to her.

Leonardo spent most of his time in his room with his friends. They had all exchanged Skype information and promised to keep in touch. Suzie was snapping her teeth at her parents. She had to be moved while she was sleeping and it was not a pretty picture when she woke up.

All of Leo’s friends, the people he knew since before he could even remember, were leaving, and there was nothing he could do but cry and wave.

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