Chapter 33; Draxum Laboratory Investigation

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“We trust you won’t fail us.”

“You have my word.”

A turtle yokai with a blue bandana and a sword strapped to his shell bowed his head to the Council of Heads and walked down the stairs. Outside of the sanctum, three other turtles were waiting and playing on their phones. 

Raphael: “Hey bro, welcome back.” 

Michaelangelo: “What’d those stuffy geezers want?”

Leonardo: “Be nice Miguel. They gave us a mission to find an agent of theirs.”

Donatello: “And where, pray tell, would we find this agent?”

Leonardo: “No clue. What’d you think, fearless leader?”

Raphael: “I think we should split up. The twins can go top side while me and Mikey can search here. Sound good?”

Michelangelo: “Aw yeah! Raphie and Angie in the Hidden City! Is Sis busy today? Do y’all think she’ll want to tag along with us?”

Suzie pushed off the building she was leaning on in the dark and crept up on her youngest brother. She lifted him up, tossed him in the air, and caught him on her back in one fell swoop. 

Suzie: “Right here Angel. I’ll help Team Hidden City. I’m positive Apes will be happy to help Team New York.”

Leonardo: “Great thinking Suzie! See ya later! C’mon DeeDee!”

Leo gave each of his siblings a tight hug and sliced a portal open to an alleyway. The twins activated their broaches and walked through. Donnie had light brown skin, dyed purple dreads with his roots showing, thin framed glasses framing his brown and green eyes, a dark purple almost black knee length skirt, a violet turtleneck sweater, some chains attached to his skirt, and a pair of steampunk themed knee length boots.

Leo was in a similar outfit. A baby blue knee length dress, an indigo colored tie up corset, a diamond chain earring going up his left earlobe and a blue and purple feather earring hanging from his right ear, his red streaks hung in front of his face while the rest of his golden brown hair was tied into a messy bun, and a pair of gothic ankle boots on his feet. Leo also had a shoulder bag full of medical supplies and Donnie’s collapsed tech-bo. His sword was disguised as a cute closed blue and white striped umbrella. 

The twins coordinated their outfits before they left the hotel. Leo loved to match with Donnie, but it annoyed his purple twin sometimes. So while their outfits were similar, it was different enough to not irk Donnie. Leo knew he secretly liked to semi-match with his twin, regardless of what he said outwardly. Leo was able to read Donnie like a J.J comic. 

The two walked around the city, while Donnie’s glasses scanned their surroundings for mystic energy. Leo skipped ahead and bought two cinnamon sugar soft pretzels and happily munched away. Leo was the self appointed face man. His bubbly and accepting disposition helped him worm his way into anybody’s heart. He was inherently clever. He knew how to make deals, how to put loopholes in his deals for his advantage, how to mentally cripple his opponents, etc. 

“Donnie, Donnie, Donnie! Look look look!”

Leo was pointing at a shop selling boba tea. 

“No Nardo, we already had pretzels.”


Leo put on his best puppy dog eyes. Within a few minutes his twin was walking out of the shop with brown sugar and pineapple milk tea and one black coffee milk tea. Leo was happy. Donnie was filled with fond exasperation as he enjoyed his drink. Commotion flooded the sidewalk and two body-builder looking humans shoved past them. 

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