Chapter 26: Twins Birthday Bash

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Leo woke up in Donnie’s arms, in his bedroom. He was really excited. This was going to be their first shared birthday as twins! On top of that, Donnie hates physical contact! The two of them spent most of the night before getting Leo introduced to Lou Jitsu and Jupiter Jim and they fell asleep together! He curled into Donnie’s arms, wanting to prolong the moment a bit longer. He had Donnie’s present picked out weeks ago and had it safely stored in a hidden safe in his bedroom wall.

He made the hole years ago accidentally when he and his old friend Shika were roughhousing. They hid the hole behind a portrait of him and his mother. As the years went by, it was clear Big Mama knew of the hole. Leo would hide special things and presents in the hole, and as he grew older a four digit pin safe was installed. Leo, the clever tot he was, set the pin to 13-11-1-19. M, L, A, S; the initials of his family. He wanted to get a bigger safe since he had more things to hide from the additions to his family.


Leo felt Donnie stirring, meaning he was starting to wake up. Leo giggled softly and pressed his face into Donnie’s plastron.

“G’morning Nardo.”

“Morning Dee. Happy birthday twinsie.”

“Happy birthday. Five, four,”

“Why are you counting?”

“Three, two, one -”


Raph and Mikey ran through the door and attempted to turtle pile on them. Leo made a portal behind him and Donnie and reappeared off the bed where their two brothers looked at them with happy and sheepish grins. Donnie was grateful Leo saved him from the turtle pile, but he and his brothers had a tradition.

Every year, for each of their birthdays, there would be a specified sneak attack group hug for each birthday up to that point. The early morning turtle pile counted for three of those hugs, four if he was still sleeping. Now that Leo saved him, he and Leo had a full thirteen hugs coming their way. Woe is them~

The door re-slammed open with Suzie, Jack, Daniel, and April grinning like the mischievous older siblings they were. Leo felt his blood run cold as he met Donnie’s eyes.


Raph and Mikey met their older siblings' eyes and smirked. All six of their siblings stared at them with large smirks.

“Tactical retreat.”

Leo made a portal beneath them to the lounge where Big Mama waited for them with Abigail, Godrick, and Splinter

“How nice of you boys to join us. Happy Birthday Baby-shell and Donatello.”

Big Mama smiled warmly at them. Leo ran up to give both his moms and Godrick a hug. Donnie received a loving head pat from Splinter; the rat was keenly aware of how his purple son felt about hugs. He had a piece of his ear bitten off as a permanent reminder.

“Leo! Donnie! Where’d you go?!”

“Sorry Mama, we have to go.”

Donnie ran to Leo as they portaled out of the lounge just as Raph, Suzie, and April burst through the door. The twins landed outside the doors of Run of the Mill.

“Pepino, and purple one.  Come in, come in. Feliz Cumpleaños pequeños.”

Leo and Donnie shuffled into the pizzeria clad in their matching purple and blue unicorn onesies (that Abigail happily made for them.) They were sorely out of place, but Hueso Junior saw them from the counter and waved excitedly to them. He was on Spring break from his college classes and helping out at the restaurant.

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