Chapter 29: First Date

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Leo was nervously waiting in his human disguise outside the hotel. Teddy had invited him out to the boardwalk so he dressed accordingly. His swim trunks, flip flops, and a dark purple polo. His human disguise’s hair was super long so Abigail helped him put it into a long ponytail with his red streaks hanging in front of his face.

“Yo, Leo!”

Teddy was running down the sidewalk without a disguise.

“Teddy, where’s your disguise?”

“Don’t have one. We can do plenty of stuff without it.”

“But you can’t go on the rides.”

“It’s fine. As long as you’re having fun, I’m happy.”


Leo thrust a standard cloaking broach into Teddy’s hand’s.

“Mama said it was for emergencies. This seems like a good use, don’t you?”

“Leo, I can’t accept this. These things are stupid expensive.”

“My Mama has tons of connections and is one of the top dogs in the hotel. It’s more than okay for you to have it. Besides, this one is mine. I got it for my birthday forever ago. That one is new and has never been used before.”

“Well, thanks, I guess. Let’s see what my human disguise looks like.”

Teddy clipped the broach to his shirt and Leo activated it for him. Teddy had messy brown hair that reached the top of his ears, he was Leo’s height, if not a bit shorter, had dark brown skin, and his piercing green eyes. His clothes didn’t change much, just shrunk down a bit. His white polo shirt, khaki cargo shorts, and black sandals.

“Damn I clean up nice. Are you ready to go?”

“Y-yeah, yup! Let’s go!”

Leo’s face was bright pink as he pulled Teddy into the nearby car. Godrick was driving them to the boardwalk and sticking around to protect them both, like he’s supposed to do. Big Mama also wanted him to keep an eye on Theodore in case he’s not who he says he is. She loved the fact Leonardo had a potential love interest, but didn’t trust the boy.


Leo was excited to be at the boardwalk. He had never been before and he wanted to try everything he could.

“Teddy, Teddy, Teddy! What should we do first?”

"How about the tea cups?”


Leo pulled Teddy toward the gigantic tea cup ride and gave the operator their tickets. Leo and Teddy made the teacup go as fast as they could before they got queasy.

“Sorry Teddy.”

“Don’t be. That was awesome! Where to next?”

“Um…Oooo, let's go to the aquarium!”

Leo pulled Teddy to the aquarium and paid the people to be let inside. There were sharks, tons of colorful fish, an exhibit where you could pet stingrays, and a separate room altogether dedicated to leatherback sea turtles. Leo was fascinated at the different turtle species.

“They’re huge! They’re bigger than Raphie and they're just normal turtles!”

“How big's your bro?”

“Raphie is very stocky and tall. He’s also really strong! Not as strong as GoGo, but close enough. His shell is also super spiky, it’s really fun to stick marshmallows on his spikes.”

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