Chapter 5; First Steps

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“Hello Leonardo. Did you have fun at the park?”

Caleb had taken all the kids to the park for the afternoon, while some unsavory guests were being dealt with.


“You’re too cute. How was the trip Caleb? Did the children keep their broaches on?”

“Shika didn’t like to wear it, but Jack and Danny distracted her. There weren’t any problems aside from that. I’ll catch up with you later, I gotta put Shika down for her nap.”

“Alright then, good night Shika darling.”

The now three year old little girl was already out cold in her father’s arms. Caleb chuckled and left the office.

“My sweet baby, my schedule is clear for the rest of the day. How about we get some snacks from the dining hall?”

It was the middle of the day. Human guests were in the dining area as well as the main lobby, so Leonardo’s cloaking broach was placed back onto his plastron. Light brown skin and curly brown hair adorned her son. Even in his human disguise, Leonardo was the cutest little thing ever.

“I could just eat you up.”

She blew raspberries into his cheek, gaining some high quality giggles. She had a pleasant elevator ride down to the main lobby.

“We demand to be upgraded!”

“Of all times…Godrick, please take Leonardo to the dining hall.”

“Yes Mum.”

Godrick’s human disguise was a rugged human male in late forties with plenty of scars, long deep red hair/beard, and bright yellow eyes.

Big Mama gathered herself and went to the front desk. Her poor worker was trying his hardest to not cry at the despicable beratement spouting from a human teenager with greasy black hair, a hot pink tube top that was a few sizes too small, and a clashing neon green mini skirt.

There was a man who was trying to talk her down, and he looked fairly normal. Standard African-American man wearing a nice suit and tie, indicating he left his place of business not too long ago.. He was holding a little girl wearing the cutest green and yellow outfit and a child around Leonardo’s height wearing a dark green and yellow onesie. They were obviously a family, but the man and daughter were disgusted by the woman’s behavior while the child cried.

“That is quite enough.”

She didn’t raise her voice, but she still grabbed everyone’s attention. Her poor employee looked like she was his saving grace, and she probably was.

“Lucas, take a lunch break and grab yourself some food.”

“Thank you, Ma’am!”

The poor yokai scurried away while Big Mama took his place.

“Who the he- “

“That is quite enough of that potty mouth. There are children present, and you mustn’t swear in front of impressionable minds. I am the Grand Nexus owner. I run the hotel’s day to day operations. You caught my attention with your incorrigible lack of basic manners and decency. Along with you horrendous lack of clothing, you fail to meet the hotel’s bare minimum of dress code requirements. You will have to leave the premises before I call security.”

Big Mama had a thing for mic drop moments and a large need for dramatic flare. The stunned look on the woman’s face would go on the wall of banned guests and the most memorable of her guest shut-downs.

“Sir, you and your child have a free room on the second floor. Here are your keys.”

“T-thank you, but we don’t need a free room. I already paid for one.”


“I’m not ruining the kid’s vacation because of you. You invited yourself, against the custody agreement.”

“My baby girl wants me to stay right, April?”

“No way. You're super crazy and I love Daddy more. You’ll start more drama if you stay ‘cause nothing’s ever good enough for you.”

The lady stormed out before security got close to her. The man looked embarrassed.

“I’m so sorry about my ex wife.”

“It’s no trouble at all. Are these your children?”

The little girl wiggled to be put down and crossed her arms like the sassy little lady she was.

“”I’m April Oneil! This is my Daddy and my little brother Nate!”

“Very pleased to meet you, little April. Say, why don’t you accompany me to the dining hall while your Daddy puts your brother to bed.”

“Can I Daddy?”

“As long as you behave.”


Big Mama laughed as she was pulled by the hand to the dining area. After having Leonardo in her life, she’s become more…motherly to most children. They had their own special little quirks and had such innocent and fascinating personalities. No two children were the same and that fact greatly pleased her, since her little blueberry was truly one-of-a-kind!

“There you go sweetheart, go pick whatever you like and I’ll be right here waiting for you.”

“Okay purple lady!”

She looked over to where Leonardo sat and saw him pouting and refusing food from Godrick. She smiled sadly and started walking over.


Leonardo fell out of his chair and slowly stood on shaky legs. Big Mama and the surrounding employees froze. Other than Big Mama herself, everyone’s phones were recording they young master.

“Omg, his first steps!”

April was at her side with huge eyes and a plate full of fruit.

“Come here baby, come to Mama.”

Big Mama’s arms were extended as she sat on the ground. Leonardo squealed and ran over on his stumpy legs. He fell into her lap and everyone burst into cheers.


“Yes baby, wonderful job! You did so well!”

Leonardo was smothered in hugs and kisses until he took notice of the girl next to him.

“Leonardo, this is April. April, this is my son.”

“I could’ve guessed. He’s so cute! How old is he?”

“He just turned two a few weeks ago.”

“No way, my little brother turned two yesterday! They’re the same age!”

April was taken away by her father as Big Mama received many different videos from her staff.

Vote, comment, and have a fantabulous day 😊😊💖💖
1044 words 

I also published this book on Ao3 with daily chapters. It's under the same username, Septiplyierfangirl, to avoid confusion.

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