still a psycho huh?

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(fyi the bar they are at is the same one where Quackity ran away from, and Quackity doesn't remember it)
Nobody pov!

When the two head inside the car the first thing they smelled was Alcohol and Cigarettes. It was a disgusting smell. But they still both went through the pain. "So the concert is going to start soon.. wanna get drunk off our minds? Like we used to do before you had kids?" Charlie asked. Quackity hasn't drank ever since he had kids so he wasn't really interested. "Nah, I'm so used to not drinking but you can" Quackity says. "But it won't be as fun.. remember when we used to go to parties and when you were drunk you used to talk about your sex lif-" Charlie said before getting cut off "ok that's enough telling me" Quackity said.

"I'm still not interested" Quackity said. "Ugh fineeee but your going to regret this" Charlie said going up to the bar.

Quackity pov!

I really had nothing to do so I decided to go in a corner and I go on my phone. I scroll on TikTok until somebody said "hey there cutie~". God they sounded drunk. I look up to see a drunken man "what do you want." I ask. "You~" he said. "Well no" I say walking away but then he pulled me back into the corner. He had a grip on my Wrists and he wouldn't let go. "Dude let me go" I say.

"No" he said. "Get off!" I say. He then pulls me into the bathroom and just starts trying to kiss me. "Let go of me!" I yell. Then someone comes in the bathroom "let him go" a familiar voice says. The guy let's goes of me and walks away angrily. "Wait.. Quackity?" A voice says. I then look to see Wilbur.
"Wilbur?" I say. He then pulls me into a hug. "Oh I missed you so much!" He says petting my hair. "Stop petting me" I say annoyed. "But your hair is so soft" he says. It was true my hair was extremely soft like a cat.
"Don't leave me again." Wilbur says. Part of me wanted to stay with him and the kids that's why we can be a happy family but the other half wanted to be single. I then chose the first option "I will never leave you" I say hugging him. "well do you want to listen to that band named love joy?" I ask. "Actually I'm the leader in the band, I started it because I was depressed so I made the band to keep my mind off you" Wilbur says. "but I never kept my mind off you" he adds.

"Nice! And you want to talk about.. you know.. our child later? At my house?" I ask. "Yes definitely" he says. "Welp I better get ready " he says. Wilbur then grabs a brush (which is small) out of his pocket. He starts to brush his hair and he does some other things, while I watched. "I'm going out there" I say. "Good luck" I add. I then leave the bathroom to see Charlie drunk off his mind. "Sir you sure you want your 5th glass of wine?" The bar tender asks. "Y- *hiccup* yes" Charlie replies. I then sit by Charlie. The bartender then gives the glass to Charlie and he chugs it down.  
"Bro chill" I laugh a bit.
"Mhm" Charlie says.
"LADIES, GENTLEMAN, AND OTHER PEOPLE! HERE WE HAVE TONIGHT IS.. LOVEJOY!" Somebody said on stage and then people on stage start playing. Insert perfume, sex sells, one-day and more

After a long time of listening to songs it was amazing! After it was all done Wilbur came up to me and pulled me outside of the bar. "Wilbur! What are you doing?!" I yell. "Well I did something for you~" Wilbur said. We both walk down to the lake, it was by the bar and the lake was a beautiful sight. Until we started to get closer to the lake I saw something not pretty..
"Look!" Wilbur said pointing at the dead body that was floating on the water. I looked at the body to see it was the guy who was flirting with me earlier. "Isn't beautiful!" Wilbur asked. I felt like throwing up but I said "yes it is!".

Still a psycho huh?

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