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A few years later

Quackity pov!

"BOYS! STOP ARGUING!" I yell at fundy and Tubbo who were fighting over the xbox. "Fine" Fundy says. I continue to clean the house and i get a call from someone. I Answer it to hear Charlie "Hey Quackity!" Charlie said. "Hello!" I say. "So i was wondering if you want to go to this concert with me? They're really good! There named love joy" Charlie says. "I mean.. Sure why not! I have get George to babysit the two gremlins" I say. "MOM IM 16!" (I forgot his age in the other chapters so i guessed- if i got it wrong just tell me and i will correct it) Tubbo yells. "Anyway got to go but tell me everything like what time it is and where on text" I say. "Ok! Bye!" Charlie says. "Bye!" i say hanging up. "Well your still young! And the last time i letted you babysit Fundy and yourself, you didn't even feed yourself nor Fundy!" I exclaim. "Fine fine" Tubbo agrees.

I then hear a notification on my phone and i check it to see it was charlie telling me the details. 



Charlie😌: The concert is at 8pm, It is at ******* ***** and thats really all i think! 

Me: Ok! So am i going to drive or you?

Charlie😌: Uhhhhhhhhh probably you, I dont know how to drive still

Me: Oh- thought you knew how to drive by now

Charlie😌: Welp its fineee anyway bye😌💅

Me: Bye 😌💅


Nobody pov!

(7:20 pm)

"Boys" Quackity says trying to get Fundy and Tubbos attention, "BOYS!" Quackity yells. They both look at Quackity who was standing there "George is going to be here in 20 minutes and I will be back in maybe in 2 or 3 hours. So be. good." Quackity says. "Bye mama!" Fundy yells. "Bye" Tubbo yells as well.

Quackity goes in the car and drives to Charlies house to pick him up. Quackity arrvies to Charlies and Charlie was outside waiting already. Charlie hopped in Quackitys car, Quackity then drove off to the concert.

"So.. i know this is REALLY off topic.. But when you were pregnant with Fundy.. Why did you leave.. you know.. Wilbur..?" Charlie asked. "Well.. The reason i left was.. Dont tell nobody.. But he killed people if they interacted with me or some people who were innocent and didn't even know me he would kill.. and he said if i ever didn't follow his rules he would hurt me.. And i was worried if i did something wrong he would hurt me" Quackity says. "Well maybe you should give him another chance.. maybe he changed" charlie suggested. "No- Im fine on my own.. And besides whoever im with they die, leave me, or cheat on me" Quackity says. (Yes He dated Karl and Sapnap. They were all together but they just left him unexpectedly one day and Quackity thought they died until they saw each other one day) 

"so? why dont you give him another try!" Charlie says. "Eh- I'll think about it- And look were here!" Quackity said parking. They all got out head inside the bar/concert.

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