the letter

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Timeskip ~Night~

Nobody pov!

Quackity grabbed his keys and a pocket knife just incase anything goes wrong. He make sure Tubbo is asleep and he waits around 10 minutes. During that time Quackity was still scared of what could go wrong.. 'He could kidnap me at any given minute' He said. Then it hit him..

He knows his address. 

Quackity pov!

SHIT! He probably knows where i live.. And he can kidnap me any time.. I felt stares on me but i tried to ignore it but it was still stuck onto me. I eventually went outside and drove to Wilburs place.

I eventually find his house and i see his mailbox. I park by the Mailbox and i get out i and grab my letter. I put it in the mailbox and i quickly got back in and i quickly drive back home. 

Wilbur pov! (When dream and Wilbur were talking outisde)

Me and Dream continue about our deal, I glance at Quackity who was right by me whispering to Tubbo. I look away from them and i talk to dream. "Sorry to interupt but your boy toy and the kid is running away-" Dream said. I look to see Quackity and Tubbo Running away.. fuck.

I run after them but i lost track of them. I run back to my car to see Dream was no longer there. I get in my car and i start driving around.

3 hours later

I couldn't find them for the past 3 hours. God i couldn't handle myself with Quackity, I wanted to hug Quackity right now but i couldn't. I was too obsessed with him.. But i dont mind that. Like who wouldn't be! Anyway- I go back to my house and i just go straight to my room to smell the bedsheets. It smelt like Quackity, God i miss him!

Philza eventually came home and he just cleaned the house. (Btw philza has a job that he goes to every morning to lunch and then stays home for a couple of hours and then goes back at night) Me and Phil talked for a few but i just was trying to find something that would remind me of Quackity. I then look in the living room and i look at the shelf to see Quackitys sketchbook. I grab it and i just looked through it. After looking at it i bring it to my room and i put it on my nightstand. 
I then hear something driving away so I then look outside and there was nothing. I decided to check the mail and I see a letter that said "Quackity". I grab the letter and I take it inside. I go in my room and I open it up. I read through the letter..

He is pregnant?

°~Mentally not right~°Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt