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Quackity pov!

I wake up in a room..? No.. a basement. It's cold and dark. "Mama?" A voice said behind me. I recognize who it was, Tubbo. "Oh! Are you alright?" I say looking behind me to see Tubbo have stains on his face from crying. We both look at each other until we hear a voice "hello you two! You guys finally woke up!" A voice said but I immediately recognize. "Wait Wilbur! How did you escape?!" I say. "I have my ways darling~ but now we can all be a happy family. Together!~" Wilbur said walking over to me kissing me. I was too scared to react.

Then Wilbur grabbed the radio that was on a small table. He turned it on and putted the channel for town wide news.
'we currently got an update for the 'the missing mental patient' so for the people who do not know. A man named 'Wilbur Soot Minecraft' escaped from the ******* mental hospital. So our update is he has kidnapped his doctor named 'Alex Quackity *****. And his son 'Tubbo ***** *****. If we have any more news for this case we will tell you. God bless you all.' then the radio cutted.  Wilbur had a wide smile on his face.

"You know Darling.. I love you so much~ and you two. Are.never.leaving." Wilbur said kissing me and then putting his hands on me and tubbos shoulder's. I was looking up at Wilbur until the door opened. I looked up where the stairs were and the door. I saw a man which looks like a green robe and had blonde yellowish hair and a black wings that were very fluffy and big. "Hello.. who are you two?" The man said. "Oh dad! This is my boyfriend and my son step son Tubbo! And Quackity and Tubbo this is my dad, Philza!" Wilbur said untieing me and Tubbo. I stand up and my legs were numb. So then after a few minutes later my legs were not numb anymore.

Philza hugs Tubbo but Tubbo gives me a glare. I knew he was pissed. He was pissed of he thought me and Wilbur were dating and I was replacing his biological father (Which I wasn't). Wilbur on the other hand takes my hand and we start walking upstairs. He brings me up to another case of stairs where there is a room and he says "this is our room and don't mind the pictures" Wilbur said. The room was filled with pictures of me. Like when I took the photo of me and Tubbo when he was a baby but the view was outside of me and Schlatts old room. And there were many other photos of me young like when I was 13. That was the only age I was down to and up to right now.

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