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Tarsem introduced me to the village very quickly. It was beautiful. Beautiful. The huts here were so much different from our huts. And the people and the culture. They tend to paint their body with beautiful colourful colors and I find this wonderful. I am already in love with this culture. So damn in love with it.

"I am so happy to finally see you.

- So am I." I answer with a smile.

He lays his hand on my shoulder with a huge smile. I could tell he really was joyful to see me there. And so was I. I am so happy I am discovering my father's culture. Neteyam's culture.

"You look exactly like your father." He whispers.

And I wonder how I can look exactly like Tsu'tey when I really am the very opposite of him. It's probably the eyes, or the mouth. Or maybe the nose.

"How's Oneïa doing?" He asks with a grin.

Oh. He knew my mother? Tsu'tey probably told him about her. But how can I tell him she died a few hours ago? I stay silent for a few moments and I think he understands immediately.

"Sorry, I didn't know.

- No, no! It's totally fine." I answer with a smile.

He grins sadly. I really do not want him to apologize. I never really understood why people apologize when you loose someone you loved. It's not their fault, and I do not get why they apologize. I guess it is just a polite thing. I smile back at him. We were between a few huge trees, on branches. We had to climb to have a better view on the village so Tarsem could explain better how the village is organized.

He helped me to climb. It was hard and I still have a lot of improvements to do, and I am counting on Neteyam to teach me. I am observing the village, sitting on the branch as my legs were floating in the air. The view is so beautiful. I love it.

"So, tell me how you met the Sullys. How did you become friends with them? And why did you come back here." He asks.

And I understand that he must be asking himself so many questions. He probably didn't expect the Sullys to come back, and didn't expect to see me either. Tarsem and I never met before, obviously, but I still feel comfortable with him. He is the only family I have left.

"Uh... Well, the first person I sympathized with was Tuk.

- Oh, Tuk! She really is an adorable little girl.

- She really is." I answer with a smile.

All of the family is adorable actually, but Tuk was my little favourite the day I met her.

"Then I sympathized with Neteyam, him and I became really close in a very short amount of time, and then I met Kirri and Lo'ak.

- And how did you meet Neytiri and Jake then?" He asks.

I smile. I realize I probably would've never meet them if Neteyam and I would have never dated.

"I met them because of Neteyam, him and I started dating... So I had to meet his parents.

- Oh really? Well, this was unexpected. I mean, Neteyam always had a lot of popularity with girls here but he never cared about girls. But you apparently changed his mind." He says.

I knew it. I knew he was very popular with girls here. And he tried to hide it from me. What a little hider. But he never cared about them. I guess he just didn't have time for that. Or maybe he did but no girls were his type.

"Tell me more about your friend, the girl that came with you.

- Oh Tsireya? She is my best friend.

- Why did she come? He asks with a frown.

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