14. Enervated

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"Maa I am back...", Anuj entered.

"Where were you so late Anuj!?", Arunimaa rushed out of the kitchen.

"I was at Bunty's... We were discussing some decor ideas and his father runs an event management company so we thought we could do our bookings there... So had to talk to him."

"Too much of work organizing freshers...!! Sponsorships done!? 'cause if not then... Pitch your idea to your dad to seek some funds like last year."

"No this time we have enough funds to make this event a success... But wohhooo... Dad's too difficult !! He did give me a hard time making me and my team sit and present the idea... and his questions... Gosshhh!! He really didn't give in so easily!!", Anuj evocated and nodded his head as if impressed by his father's skills.

"But you still convinced him! That was huge... He doesn't really talk family when it's about his work...!!", Arunimaa felt the pride of having such a husband and son.

"Whatt are you two discussing...!!", Manik entered with a bag in his hand.

"He was telling me about the latest college event he is leading the organising team of!"

"Ohh!! Sponsorships you need!!?? Come to my office... I was easy on you last time but this time it'll be a hard nut to crack!!! And Aru I'll just change then we can discuss about whatever financial predicament you are in and just make khichdi tonight, Malvika told me how much you toiled today with the additional batch at the institute!!", Manika said and retired into his room.

Anuj saw him leave in shock.


"You better prepare well to meet a businessman there not your father. Don't just walk casually to his office without any preparations like last year... It's gonna be challenging to convince him into releasing funds for your events!! Sharpen you skills... Just like he wants!!", Arunimaa explained him.

"Ugghh!!!! He is sooo insightful... But I'll make him yield next time AT MY CONDITIONS hard as much as he wants to try!!", Anuj accepted the challenge.

"Oooohh!!! RIVALS !!! I like this. You take rest I'll just prepare khichdi!"

"No you wait... I'll do it... I know how to... You just go to your room you needed his help you said...".

"But... You are tired."

"Uh... You are tired, I am fine maa... I'll just do it."

"Take Malvika with you and teach her something. She must be wasting her time painting her nails with some new shades she got!! And don't put tadka in GK's khichdii he doesn't like it!", Arunimaa instructed before leaving.

Anuj went into the kitchen and soaked rice.


Baa wasn't around but Anupamaa could still feel her stare daunting life out of her as she stuck her hands in the half soaked flour and the cooker whistled startling her, for the first time in years. A clear effect of Baa's lack of concern and rudeness and also her own brain, functioning at 4 hours sleep, driving her through this rigorous schedule since morning. She had ordered Anupamaa into making pooran-poli.


"Anupamaa must be too tired today just like my mom... Hope she gets some rest too or She'll get a headache. But there are so many people in her house too just like we have in here. I'm sure they won't make her toil alone in kitchen after such a hectic day at college. A family in which everyone's wishes and words find accomodation... How immaculate... Just like my family... Thu thu thu 🧿", Anuj wished as he lid the cooker.

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