Well being driven by mom to school is a bit different from when dad used to drive me and I understand but she's just too quiet for my liking or maybe she just doesn't wanna talk..... I don't know.This place looks so cool the big green trees on the side of the road,each house having a garden and seeing kids walk to school is actually different but in a good way its a nice view,cause back in NY I actually never seen anyone from my school like in class walk to school even thou it was just a 30 minutes walk,I mean I also didn't wanna walk cause my friend didn't so yep.Sooner than I knew it we arrived and seeing the school entrance and all the pupils outside just made my stomach cringe I felt like it was my first time going to school in my life maybe I'm nervous because I won't seeing Kay anymore in school.

"Honey,its going to be okay...just don't overthink it too much okay?".she said capturing my face with her left hand cause she did see the anxiousness in my eyes.

"Mom,I...don't....think...I...can..."I felt my air ways suddenly closing up me the air not reaching my lungs I was having a panic attack started having those after dad died because of anxiety and the nightmares I had of him. She hugged me tight and helped me count from 10 to 0 as I exhaled.

"5.....out......4......in....3.....out.....2...in.....1....out....there you go..there...there...good.She said taking out a bottle of water under the car seat and giving it to me.I chunked the water down like my throat was really thirsty for some.

"Honey,look at me" I averted my eyes to her."You don't have to go today if your net feeling okay you know that right.I nodded.

"But...I'll be okay mom I just don't know what came over me.I said trying to fake a smile.

"I love you honey".She said embracing me in a hug then holding my face in place to kiss my forehead.

"Moooom! We are at school.I whispered yelled feeling embarrassed.

"You will always be my honey and I will kiss you anywhere I want even if its in public I don't care".She said laughing at the thought.

"Bye,mom and I love you okay,so so much.I said getting up from the seat while grabbing my back pack.

"See you later honey,I love you"

"Please promise me that I'm really going to see you later and keep your promise".I frowned with teary eyes as I remember what happened last time I told the one I love see you later.

"Honey,I promise,promise and promise that we will see each other later okay.She said letting go of the starring wheel holding my hand tightly to assure me.

"Pinky promise?"I let my left pinkie out to make a pinkie promise with her.

"I pinkie promise" she said as our pinkies tight held each other she then leaned to kiss the promise we made.

"Thank you mom and drive safe I love you.I said letting go of her pinkie after hearing the first bell.

"I love you too Honey". She said starting the car to driving away.

Then I turned looking at the school premises."welcome to hell Omphile" I thought to myself as I prepared myself for all the stares,Judgemental looks if there are any,haters, and fans.I'm kidding with the fans part I've never been popular in any school I attended as a child but Kay sure was the attention stealer maybe its because she's loud and extrovert and I'm the opposite but I have my days.I could even hear some them whisper thinking I can't hear them.Wow.After a few stares I finally found my class at first I thought I was lost but I just had to turn right instead of left but now I know that.I got in an no one was there so I took it upon myself to find the suitable chair for myself which is at the back.I chuckled at the thought.I mean all my life in school I have always wanted to seat at the back but because I'm kinda small in body size I'm always placed at the front.So I walked around the class it was pretty cool not hot,it was also wide in size and I liked also that a person gets to seat anywhere they want instead of following the list order.SO after the small tour around a few learners started to enter while I was sitting at the back,what's weird is that they kept giving a strange but worried look on their faces so I just shrugged it off thinking that maybe its their first time seeing such a cutie in their class,I mean what else can I say. Only 5 minutes left for class to start so I decide to go to the bathroom cause I have a very small bladder.I was walking through the school Hall way that's when this girl bumped into me.

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