Chapter 13

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"Lis," I groaned, pushing a creaking cart packed with food along the slick tiled floor. "This is a lot of groceries..."

Lisanna smirked. "I think you're just being lazy, Natsu boo-boo." She teased, flicking my nose. "Plus, it's for our baby. Nothing is ever too much."

She patted her stomach, and I smiled.

I'm going to be a father.

Just the thought made me overjoyed.

"It's gonna be a boy, Natsu," she said, her smile not yet faded. "A boy? You got scanned? When?" A small part of me was offended that I wasn't there.

Lisanna giggled. "You're so dense sometimes."


"Never mind," she cooed. "And I already have the name. It's Furin.

I rolled my eyes. "I know how to
S-P-E-L-L, Lis," I remarked. She pouted, seemingly offended. "Don't talk back. I was just checking is all. Do you know what Furin means in Japanese?"

I wrinkled my nose, confused. "No. Why?"

She giggled once again, and for some reason, it made me shudder. "No reason Natsu boo-boo."

Before I could respond, she pulled me close; kissing me. She smelled strongly of perfume. And yet...she also smelled of cologne. It was clear and fresh, the kind that almost burned. But it wasn't mine.

I turned away. "Lis," I grumbled. "Not now."

A flash of hurt consumed her, eyebrows furrowed, a mad hybrid between confused and angered, like she was deciding which to be. I was relieved and somewhat chilled to see her normal sly smile return. "You're so weird sometimes, Natsu."

"But that's what I like about you."


Lucy smiled, soft and wistful. "You're so dense sometimes, Natsu," she teased, although it was harmless, friendly teasing.

"But that's what I like about you."


-Lucy's P.O.V.-

"Sting, what the hell?!" I shouted once I was finally in the back seat of his car, duct-tape free.

"Shh, shh, Blondie. Gah, this is why I didn't want to take off the duct-tape. My poor ears."

"You're so going to regret saying that you blonde powderpuff," I scowled, turning to face the window. If I jumped out at this speed...

"Awe, Lucy, I was hoping our reunion would be a little more...sweet? Do you know how hard I worked to track you down?"


He smirked, running a paw through his hair. It could not be called a hand the way he was using it. "Y'know, your father has just been dying to see you."

My blood ran cold, like a sudden winter chill blanketed my body. Father. I could feel tears prick my eyes, tears of hurt, of desperation. Then I remembered Sting. The asshole. I wouldn't let him see me cry.

"I bet he has. No one can live without me for long, it seems. Even you came back to haunt me."

"Lucy, I'm hurt," he said with false sincerity. "Really."

I let out an annoyed grunt as I watched other cars fly by. I considered screaming. Heck, even jumping out and dying would be better then what I feared I was about to face.


-Natsu's P.O.V.-

"We're...home..." I muttered, the bags that clung to me, dragging down my arms finally freed me as I lay them down on the counter. "Now you can put 'em away, too, Natsu."

"But Mom," I teased, faking a childish expression.

She didn't laugh. "Get to work." And with that, she disappeared down the hallway.

Making sure she was well into another room, I snuck into Lucy's, just to check if she was there to retrieve my scarf. My bare neck felt nude without it.

And, with my luck, the scarf was there, strewn out across the floor sitting atop a bundle of blankets that had been thrown out onto the ground.

But Lucy wasn't.


-Will Natsu find Lucy?

-If he does, what'll happen?

-What awaits Lucy?

-What does Furin mean in Japanese? (I dare someone to look it up XD)

-When will the NaLu kiss happen?

-Why is Summer taking forever to get here?

-Is Gray still working with Lisanna? How'd Lisanna know about that little NaLu moment?

A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. (Sorry it was so short). Happy Shipping!


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