"Well- Yes, I do have cookies, but-"

"That's what's in the box, isn't it?! Gimme!" Bill exclaimed, diving forward to grasp the white box only for Brik to move to the side just in time to dodge the demon and have Bill fall and collapse onto the sidewalk face first with a heavy thud. "Oww..."

"...As I was saying: Yes, I do have cookies and yes, they are inside this box. But the only way for you to get some is to earn them. I'm not just going to hand one out to you for free."

"What?!" Bill sat up, looking up at Brik in horror. "Earn it? What do you mean?! That's not fair!"

"It's completely fair considering these cookies weren't even for you but they were for my kids who made sure to keep up with their chores all week and deserve a reward for it. What kind of example would I be setting for them if I went ahead and gave you a cookie without having done anything to deserve them?"

"Haven't done anything?! Buddy- I'm ALIVE! You know how hard it is to stay alive in this fleshbag of a body in this world? The fact I'm standing here living and breathing definitely deserves the reward of a cookie."

Brik did not answer at first, simply staring at Bill with a "really?" expression. He then sighed, shaking his head as he lifted the box higher while Bill got himself standing back up once more. "Look, Goldilocks... You remember my car, right? Old Bessie? Yeah... she's not working. Again. So I'll make a deal with you: you help me work on her this afternoon and I'll let you have some cookies. Fair?"

Bill frowned, not liking the idea of having to work to get a cookie. Then again, shoplifting would have been a lot of work, too. Why couldn't life be less work and more fun? The human experience was absolutely exhausting and he'd much rather go back to how his life used to be. At least when he had powers he could just snap his fingers and presto: cookie in his hand ready to be munched on. But he didn't have his powers anymore. He didn't have his old life anymore. That was all gone and he needed to embrace this new life- no matter how stupid it was.

"I mean-... I've never worked on a car before. I'd probably screw it up even more than actually fix it."

"There's always a first time for everything! I'll teach you, we'll work on it together. Come on, what do you say?"

Bill was really debating hard on this. He could go steal some cookies, bring them back home, and spend the rest of the day alone with the reminder that... that Y/n wasn't there and refused to answer any of his calls... but hey, at least he would be home alone with the freedom to do as he pleases!

Or he could go with Brik, spend the afternoon with someone so he wasn't all alone, work all day on a car, be covered in grease and gunk, and get a cookie at the end of the day that probably wasn't worth all the work he just had to go through.

It was pretty obvious which option he chose.

The walk back to Brik's place wasn't too far. They walked in silence for the majority of the time, not that uncomfortable silence that makes your skin itch and you start to regret every life choice you've made to end up here. No, it was a pretty peaceful silence. A silence that both could enjoy, where Bill was aware that there was someone else present and he was no longer alone. Out of all the people he has met so far, he'll admit that Brik was the last person in this town who he thought would willingly want to spend a day with him. Well no- scratch that. Claire was the last person in this town he thought would willingly want to spend a day with him, probably not even an hour. Bill didn't necessarily mind.

Bill wasn't a huge fan of Claire. The guy had the worst taste in partners and thought that wearing glasses indoors was cool. He really isn't fooling anybody: the guy is so far from cool he is practically burning. Not in a good way- he didn't think Claire was hot. The guy was burning in toxic waste. It still shocks Bill to know that Y/n was willingly dating the guy. Out of all the people in this town, how could they have fallen for someone like Claire? Maybe they had horrible taste in partners, too. Maybe they were meant for each other. Bill hoped not. Y/n could do a lot better than Claire only if they took off those rose-colored glasses and saw the guy for who he really was. But sadly, they were too blinded by love to notice any of his flaws. Love. Love was a weakness. It made you do stupid things.

Mercy (Bill Cipher x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt