I freeze for a moment, just watching different emotions play out on her face. “She did lie. All this time I have been seeing doctors for a back problem that never existed. It’s ok though; Derrick is looking to see if there is a way to undo what has been done. There is a chance that I could be some what normal again” I smile. It’s a bit forced and I hope that she doesn’t notice it. I mean it’s not really a lie but it still sucks not telling her the whole truth.  “As for the other, I’m sure he was just fucking with you. We were talking about how I have to have my back worked on every few years or so; you just happened to come in as I was telling they guys that I was late on getting my next surgery. I’m sorry that you thought that I was hiding a secret baby, but from my end it was pretty funny.”  A small laugh escapes Tess but I can see that she is still up set and worried about Eric’s mental health. 

                 Sometime before lunch I get a ride over to Derricks house. The plan is too tidy up a bit and plan something for dinner. I can’t cook to save my life but I have this strong need to do something nice for them. As soon as I walk through the door I realize that there really isn’t much to clean. So I wash the few dishes in the sink. I enter Derrick’s room just long enough to grab his dirty clothes before heading up stairs to grab Samson’s and throw them all in the washer. I open the freezer, searching for something that I could possibly cook and it be edible. When I don’t find much I pull out my phone, opening the app that will allow me to shop for something to cook without actually leaving the house. With every step I take, I am reminded of the way Samson stretched me last night and how great it felt. It doesn’t take me long to decide to take advantage of the garden tub in the bathroom.

                 Bending down I open the cabinet door under the sink, looking for some kind of soap. There in a cute little organizer sits a bottle of cucumber and melon body wash, bubble bath and some scented candles. I pick one candle, holding it up to my nose, then another before selecting “Midnight in the Forest.”  It smells like a forest on a warm summer night and it calls to my soul. I turn the hot water on, lighting the scented and a few unscented ones then quickly strip. The water is scorching against my skin and it takes a moment before I could fully sit down. I lay my head against the back of the large tub, letting the heat from the water soak into my body, allowing myself to relax. The ache between my legs from last night slowly subsiding. 

                   The thought of sending a picture to Samson or even Derrick crosses my mind, not a completely nude picture, maybe just my feet propped up on the tub; or gathering enough bubbles around me that my chest is covered. Then I realize that the tub has jets in it; I hit the button and the jets kick on with no problem; making tons of bubbles in the process. I open my phone, open the camera and set a timer before propping the phone against the ledge where some of the candles are sitting. I quickly pull enough bubbles near me that the only thing that can be seen is the swell of my breast. I have the light out so the only lighting in the room is from the many candles that I have set up around the bathtub. The first few pictures that are taken don’t turn out, I decide that if this last one doesn’t go right then I am just going to forget all about my failed attempt at being sexy.  This time instead of pulling the bubbles around me, I sit up on my knees, strategically draping one arm over my chest, so that my nipples are covered; my free hand in the water holding me up as I lean forward just a little.  

                  After downloading a photo editing app, I play around with blurring most of the picture; leaving only me in focus. The way the candles light up the room throwing shadow and just the right amount of light here and there; It looks like a pro took it. I end up really liking the finished product. I go into my text messages, scroll down to Samsons name and click on it. My finger hovers over the add photo button, “What am I doing?” I ask myself. Slumping my shoulders I decide to just send him a plan old massage without the picture that I consider to be nudy magazine worthy. 

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