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As the cold wind hit his cheeks
All he did was cry
All he wanted was you
His Love
His everything
He wanted a family
A happy life
But living with a Devil
What do you expect?
He tried to think his eyes were fooling him
His friends tried to make him understand
He didn't believe them
He wanted them to know
She's standing right beside him
Wiping the tears off his face
Telling him jokes
Hugging him
Trying to braid strands of his now growing hair
Scolding him when he overworked himself
He missed that
He missed you

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Can a man not miss his Love?
This is a story of Park Jimin's
miserable life
As the young king woke up, he turned to his side, where one of your shirts lay.

He couldn't live without your scent.

It made him insane

Only then he smiled

Only then he found peace

Only then, he wanted her more

He stayed, so she could find him

So she would be happy

So he would be happy.

He got up from his bed and went into the bathroom

When he came out

There you were

He smiled

You were back

He could hear you calling to him

So he ran

He ran to the bed

And hugged nothing but air

He frowned

You were there a few seconds ago

Where are you Love?

"Love? Where are you?"

He sobbed

Just then, his favorite came, the only one who understood him


"Hyungie-don't cry!-"

Jimin ran from his bed and slammed the door on the younger's face, leaving him banging on the door, begging him to come out.

Heaven, Hell and Him || PJM  ✔Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora