|°•○Chapter 11○•°|

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Amira and Marylin had left for Brazil....The guys went home....and Jimin.....Jimin offered to help with my bags.....

Jimin: You guys go home....I'll help Y/N with her bags...
Me: No need I ca-
Jimin: Shut up I'm not gonna listen.
Me: Ok.....


We had reached home later than we had expected....it had started raining, we were soaked in water.

Jimin: I guess I'll get going now. Goodnight!
Me: You ain't going anywhere.
Jimin: Why not? OHHHHH you fell for me. Unfortunately I reject. I gave you a chance. You rejected me.
Me: oOf pabo...it's raining cats and dogs in the middle of the night! You'll catch a cold! You'll stay here.
Jimin: Oh...ok.....can you get me a blanket and pillow?

Jimin was happy that he was going to  stay with you. He sat on the couch and asked you for a blanket and pillow...you just  grabbed his hand interlocking your fingers and and dragged him to the guest room.

Jimin: Wha-what are you doing??
Me: It's cold I'm not letting you sleep on the couch. You'll stay with me till the rain stops. I don't care if it rains for a week, a month or even a whole year. You can sleep in the guest room...if you need anything, tell me.
Jimin: Ok...where's your room?
Me: Right in front of your room.

He had gone to his room, I was just going to sleep after I had finished my night routine when I heard the door open...I saw a man. Jimin.

Jimin: Umm Y/N?
Me: Yeah? What happend?
Jimin: I-Uhhhh I'm a bit scared...heh
Me:Who thought a Mafia leader would me scared of thunder?
Jimin: Stop! I just...I'm lonely....can I sleep here?

He pouted...god he's so cute...wait what? NO HE'S NOT CUTE AT ALL

Me: Sure..I'll sleep on the couch over there and you sleep on my bed
Jimin: N-no....don't sleep in the couch
Me: Then where should I sleep?
Jimin:With me
Me: What? NO
Jimin: Sleep. With. Me. In the bed, NOW.
Me: O-okay...

I got into my bed...my dogs were sleeping in their's...Jimin snuggled into the crook of my neck hugging me....his dark jet black hair layering over my shoulder...

Me: Jimin could you move a bit you're hugging me too ti-

He shut me up with a kiss....I was used to it. Everyday when the others weren't looking he pulled me in for a kiss...this kiss was hungrier and rougher than the others....the other times he kissed me its was soft...I liked it...but i like this too...his kiss to shut me up turned to a make out session....

Jimin: Y/N? can I ask you something?
Me: Sure....why not?
Jimin: Why did you say no to my confession but Marylin immediately said yes to Tae?
Me: About that, remember when I told you I rule Death and Hell? In my world me and my family are considered royalty. My mom cares about her daughters get happily married to the creatures from our land....Since Marylin is not apart of our family she can do as she wishes...that's why.
Jimin: Oh....but.....I like you....so umm i- Will you be my girlfriend?
Me: Sure Jimothy

I kissed him on the lips and slept...I heard him whisper...."You don't know how much I love you."

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