The Last Battle

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Author's note: This is the last action chapter and will pretty much end the story. The chapter after this one will be the last. Thank you to all my readers and all the Once Upon A Time Fans and Hunger Games Fans. Please Comment and suggest ideas for the last chapter and add like this story. The first person to like will get a dedication.


"Surprise!" Regina and The Evil Queen say simultaneously. "I've been waiting for this very moment for a very long time." Says Regina. "I bet," says Regina to the Queen,"that you, me, whatever. We didn't know that this would happen, but I already knew at the point I was. What? Wait. Okay now I'm confused. Scratch that. Just know I've been waiting for this moment for a long time." Regina is looking at the group with an evil smirk. The same smirk that is on the Evil Queen's face.
"You have no soul Regina." Says Emma with despite.
"I think I do. I have a soul. A dark one." Regina looks to the ground and then her head rises again. She walks up to Emma and stands just centimeters away from her face. Regina speaks:
"And now you will have something dark, too. A dark heart." Regina reaches to Emma's chest. Emma screams as Regina pulls out her heart. Elsa sends ice toward Regina, but Regina doges it. Regina uses her magic to freeze everybody in the group except Emma.
"Wh- what- what are you doing?" Says Emma panting on the ground. Regina grabs her by the hair and pulls her to her feet.
"Ouch! What are you going to do with my friends." Says Emma to the smiling Regina. The Evil Queen stands silently behind them. Observing.
"I don't intend to do anything to your friends Ms. Swan. You should be more concerned on what you will do to them." Says Regina.
"What do you intend to do?" Says Emma.
"I can no longer control a heart with the fact that I have been in a different world for a long time, but my past self can." Regina turns around to see the Evil Queen. The Queen smiles.
"I can." Says the Queen.
"What are you going to do!" Screams Emma.
Regina holds the heart up to Emma's face.
"Do you see this." Says Regina. "Do you know what happens if I squeeze?"
Regina squeezes Emma's heart slightly and Emma screams. Regina stops squeezing and starts talking again.
"Of course you do. You do because this is the way Graham died. You will also know what we are going to do"
Regina turns around to see the Queen.
Regina throws Emma's heart to the Queen so she can catch it. The Queen catches the heart and smiles.
"What a lovely heart you have Emma." Says the Evil Queen. "It be so sad if it, let's say, turned dark."
"You bastard. You bastards!" Yells Emma at the Reginas. "Why don't you just let us live our lives how they were meant to be liven. In the place they were meant to be liven. All this, just because a ten year old girl couldn't keep a secret."
"Shut up!" Yells Regina and the Queen at the same time.
"Shut the hell up or I-" Regina is interrupted by Emma.
"Or what? You'll destroy my happily ever after? With what power?"
Regina is about to slap Emma when the Evil Queen pushes Regina out of the way.
"What the hell are you doing!" Yells Regina now on the ground.
"Did you not hear what she said!" Yells the Queen.
"I was taking care of it. She is mine. I have always wanted to destroy her and now I have the chance!" Screams Regina.
"Like she said," says the Evil Queen, "'With what power?'"
Regina stands up and uses her magic on the Queen, but the Queen out powers her and Regina is blasted by the Queen's magic. Regina is lifted up from the ground and hooked on a tree.
"Get me down this instant!" Yells Regina.
"I'm taking care of her because apparently you aren't powerful enough." Says the Queen.
"You bastard, you daughter of a witch." Yells Regina from the tree.
Emma stares with amusement as the two imbeciles roast each other. Emma looks back at her friends. Still frozen. How can she wake them up? Emma can clearly see that both Reginas can't stand each other. That's it! They can't stand each other. Emma turns back to the Reginas. They are still arguing. If they keep it up, Emma won't have to do anything. They'll destroy themselves. At least slow themselves down.
"You do understand that you are insulting yourself. I'm you and you're me." Says the Queen.
"Enough! Get me down from here!" Screams Regina. The tree she is hanging from is about twenty feet high and the branch she is hanging from looks like it's about to snap.
"I'm the one who started all this." Says the Queen. "I was the one who lost Daniel because of that retched Snow White. I was the one who killed her father to keep everything for myself. I was the one who gave the poisoned apple to Snow White so I would never have to see her again. And finally, I enacted the curse. Didn't I?"
Regina stares at the Evil Queen with disbelief. She starts laughing and then speaks.
"Oh my dear. Did you already forget that we are exactly the same person?!" Regina screams at the Queen.
"No one screams at the Queen!" Screams the Queen.
"And what are you doing now?!" Screams Regina.
"You are no queen anymore." Says the Queen. "Look at what you were. A royal queen. You had riches. Jewels. And power. And you gave up all that up for a town in another world with no magic! You gave up being queen to being, what do they call it? Those worthless people. Oh, I remember. A mayor."
"Shut up!" Regina screams as she raises her hand to blast the Queen, but the Queen is faster. With a flick of her wrist, the Queen has Regina's heart in her hands. The Queen lifts the heart to her mouth and speaks into Regina's heart.
"Get down from that tree!"
Emma looks up to the tree and sees Regina jump off the tree.
"This is it." Whispers Emma quietly still on the ground.
Regina is about to hit the ground when something flashes in Emma's sight. An icy mattress appears underneath Regina and she lands safely.
"What the hell!" Yells the Queen and she turns around. Emma also turns around and sees her friends are out of the spell. Then Emma realizes what her friends have done.
"What did you do?!" Screams Emma.
"Calm down." Says Elsa. "We figured it out. No one can destroy the Queen because no one is as powerful. To destroy her, we need someone as powerful as her. What better person than herself."
Emma smiles.
"Kill them!"
The group looks from Emma to the Queen. The Queen said that, but they have no idea why. Suddenly Elsa is knocked down my Emma as she punches her hard. Elsa falls on the ground.
"Emma!" Yells Katniss.
"Get the Mockingjay!" Yells the Queen.
Emma doges Elsa's ice, coming from Elsa on the ground, which hits Katniss. Katniss falls to the ground shivering and can't get up. Emma kicks Katniss over and over again.
"Emma stop!" Yells Thomas.
Thomas runs to help Katniss.
"Get him out of the way!" Yells the Queen.
Emma punches Thomas just as he touches her. Thomas falls unconscious.
"Why is she listening to her?" Says Cia to Tris.
"I don't know, but we have to help." Says Tris.
They both run toward Emma. They turn to see the Queen with something.
"Is that a-" Cia is interrupted by the Queen screaming.
"Kill them!"
Emma starts running toward the girls.
"A heart!" Yells Tris. "She is controlling Emma with a heart."
"With her heart." Says Cia.
Out of nowhere Emma smacks into Cia. Cia looses her balance and hits her head on a boulder.
"Cia!" Yells Tris.
"One more." Yells the Queen into the heart.
Emma punches Tris. Tris tries to hit back but Emma is stronger. Emma pushes her to the ground. Emma grabs a stick from the ground and holds it up in the air. Tris sees the last glimpse of the world. There is nothing she can do. Emma brings the stick down.
"No!" Tris can hear the scream.
Emma is pushed to the side by a brute force and is unconscious. Tris is alive. Tris gets up and sees Regina with her arm extended. She saved her. Regina saved her life with magic.
"You bastard!" Yells the Queen to Regina. "This was for us!"
"No. You were doing it for you." Says Regina. Regina uses her magic and knocks Emma's heart out of her hand.
"I never saw the monster I am. Now I can clearly see it." Says Regina.
"Oh please. We are exactly the same." Says the Queen.
"I've been through more than you. Through stuff you still haven't gone through. I killed my son. Only a monster does that. But monsters can change." Says Regina.
"Stop." Says the Queen.
"No you stop!" Yells Regina.
The Queen lifts up the heart. Not Emma's. Regina's.
"Tris!" Yells Regina. "Get Emma's heart and put it ba-"
"Obey me!" Yells the Queen into Regina's heart. Regina is controlled.
Tris didn't hear what Regina wanted her to do.
"Kill her!" Says the Queen into Regina's heart.
Regina instantly runs toward Tris. Tris sees Emma's heart by the foot of the Queen. Then Tris understands. Regina wanted Tris to put Emma's heart back in her. But when Tris runs toward Emma's heart she is knocked down by Regina. Regina is about to punch Tris, but Tris blocks it. Instead Tris punches Regina in the nose and she starts bleeding. Tris pushes Regina with her legs off of her and starts running toward the heart. The Queen sees her and uses her magic. The magic hits Tris.
"Stop!" Yells the Queen into Regina's heart and she does.
Tris is pushed back and lands on Elsa. Tris gets up and sees Elsa on the ground. She's awake but immobile.
"I wanted to help you but I couldn't move." Says Elsa.
"It's okay." Says Tris.
"No. The Queen is more powerful. But I can help you now." Says Elsa.
Elsa sits and waves her hands and makes ice.
"Do you think frozen ice can defeat me?" Says the Queen from behind.
The ice in Elsa's hand grows bigger and Elsa seems weaker.
"Elsa no. You're wasting energy." Says Tris.
"It's okay. Trust me." Says Elsa.
Elsa has a big icicle in her hand.
"Trust me." Says Elsa again.
Elsa raises the icicle and sticks it right in Tris' heart.
"Aaaaaa!" Yells Tris.
"I'm sorry, but it's the only way." Says Elsa.
Tris keeps screaming. Elsa's hand falls from the icicle as so does her body to the ground. Still screaming, Tris sees Elsa fall. She hears Elsa say something and she leans closer to her on the ground.
"What?" Says Tris.
"Use the power wisely. You can do it." Elsa smiles and she closes her eyes.
"Elsa!" Yells Tris. Tris leans to hear Elsa's heart. Still beetling. She must be unconscious.
"Why do you care about her if she betrayed you?" Says the Queen.
"She didn't." Says Tris standing up straight and bold.
"Well it looks like she did when she stabbed that piece of ice in you." Says the Queen.
"She didn't do it to kill me. She did it to save me." Says Tris. She stares into the evil eyes of the Queen and speaks again. "She also did it for this."
Tris raises her hand to the direction of the Queen and the Queen is to stunned to make a move. Ice hits the Queens wrists and she is pinned down to a tree with the ice on her wrists.
"This can't be!" Yells the Queen.
"I know. But it is." Says Tris.
The Queen tries to break free from the ice. Tris is confused. Elsa is unconscious. How did ice-
Tris realizes. The ice came from her hand. Tris looks at her hand. Then touches them. Ice cold. She gets it now. Why Elsa stabbed her with the icicle. Why Elsa fainted. To give Tris her powers. Tris smiles and looks up to the Evil Queen. She is still attached to the tree by Tris' ice. Tris sees Emma's heart and runs toward it. She is about to reach it when she sees the Queen lift her hand. Tris raises hers and her ice blocks Regina's magic. Tris grabs the heart and runs for Emma. Tris just has time to put Emma's heart back when the Queen lifts her up in the air.
"No!" Yells Tris.
Emma opens her eyes and sees Tris in the air.
"Tris!" Yells Emma.
"You're to late." Says the Queen. "One against two."
"I only see one of you." Says Emma.
"Not for long." Says the Queen.
The Queen pulls Tris toward her and Tris smacks so hard on the tree that the Queen is on, that the ice on the Queen's wrists break. The Queen pulls Tris' heart out. Tris screams
"No!" Yells Emma.
"It's- okay." Says Tris.
Tris waves her hand and creates an icicle like Elsa.
"You think you can kill me with that?" Says the Queen.
"It's not for you." Says Tris.
Tris throws the icicle and it flys past Emma and sticks in Elsa's heart. Then Tris faints.
"No!" Yells the Queen. "Wake up!" Yells the Queen in Tris' heart. "It's useless!" Yells the Queen. The Queen is about to squeeze Tris' heart when a flash of ice takes it from her hand. The Queen looks up to see Elsa up and straight.
"Game on Queen." Says Elsa.
"No." Says The Queen.
Elsa raises her arms and it starts raining but the rain is solid. Ice rain. As it hits the unconscious people, the ice drops turn liquid and a blue glow engulfs the person. One by one they start waking up. Thomas, Cia, Katniss, and Tris wake up. Tris' heart is placed back in her and Tris is lowered down from the air. Elsa than shoots ice at each one and their weapon appears.
A ice bow with ice arrows for Katniss.
Ice running shoes and a spear for Thomas.
An ice gun for Cia.
Ice knifes and a gun for Tris.
And an ice sword for Emma.
"Six against one Your Majesty." Says Emma.
The Queen looks at them with pain and evil in her eyes.
"Make that seven against one." Everybody turns around and they see Regina.
"Your teaming up with us?" Asks Emma.
"I want to destroy the monster I am." Says Regina.
"No! Don't be a fool Regina. Your stronger. You know how it feels when you have power! When you have contr-" The Queen is cut off by Regina's magic blasting the Queen. The Queen gets up and blasts Regina. Emma blocks the Magic with her ice sword and it bounces back to the Queen. The Queen blocks it. She then makes the tree branches move toward the team.
Emma cuts the beaches down as Katniss tries to hit the Queen
With an arrow but the Queen doesn't stand still. Tris throws and ice knife and pins the Queens shirt down on a tree. Cia shoots her ice gun and hits the Queen' thigh.
"Aaaaaah!" Yells the Queen.
Regina makes the tree branches hug the Queen tight. The Queen makes a snake and it turns human size. It curls up to Emma and starts dragging her out of the forest.
"Emma!" Yells Thomas. Thomas runs with his ice shoes and reaches Emma in a second. Thomas grabs Emma but the snake is right behind them. Thomas and Emma trip and the snake is about to take the death bite when the snake turns into ice. Katniss sends an icy arrow which then turns into fire and melts the ice snake.
They all turn again to the Queen. She is rooted. Shot. And knifed.
"Please have have mercy." Says the Queen.
"I would never ask for mercy." Says Regina.
"You're right. I wouldn't." Says the Queen. The Queen raises her hand to blast Regina and destroy her when Regina puts her hand deep in the Queen's chest.
"Aaaaaaah!" Yells the Queen.
Regina pulls out a black, rotting heart. The Queen's heart.
"So this is how our heart looks like." Says Regina.
"See how evil we are." Says the Queen panting.
"But I'm changing." Says Regina. "And I can still do it. One last kill." Regina lifts the Queen's heart up to the Queen's face and is about to squeeze when the Queen speaks.
"You can't do it." Says the Queen.
"I can kill-" Regina is interrupted.
"I know you can. I'm saying you're not powerful enough." Says the Queen.
Regina squeezes the heart but it's rock solid.
"I don't understand!" Yells Regina.
"You wasted all your power of hearts by killing extras. By killing your son." Says the Queen.
"Shut up!" Yells Regina. "I may not be powerful by myself. But I got extra magic."
Regina looks at the others.
"Let's do it." Says Regina.
They all nod.
"You can't do this Regina! They're just using you!" No one pays attention to the Queen.
Regina throws the heart on the ground.
"Listen to me." Says the Queen. "Together we can become the most powerful in the land."
"I'm not seeking power anymore. I'm seeking love." Says Regina. "Together?" Asks Regina to the team.
"Together." They all respond.
Regina raises her hand at the heart as so does Elsa. Emma raises her sword at the heart. Tris with her knife. Cia with her gun. Thomas with his spear. And Katniss with her bow and arrows. All pointing at the Queen's heart.
"One." Says Regina.
"You're just confused Regina!" Yells the Queen.
"Two." Says Emma.
"You're the Queen, too!"
Regina looks at the Queen.
"I'm the mayor." Says Regina and then screams: "Three!"
"Three!" They all scream.
"No!" Yells the Queen making that her last word.
Regina shoots her magic. Elsa her ice. Thomas his spear. Tris her knife. Cia shoots her gun. Katniss shoots her bow. And Emma throws her sword.
As the weapons hit the target the heart glows deep red over the blackness and explodes a black thick fog.
"Guys!" Yells Emma.
"Hello?" Yells Katniss.
"I can't see!" Yells Elsa.
"Where are we?" Says Thomas.
"What's happening?" Says Cia.
"Ahhhhh!" Yells Tris.
"I don't know what happening." Says Regina.
The black fog doesn't disappear but a face appears in the fog.
"What the hell is that?" Asks Emma.
"You don't t remember me deary?" Says the face.
"Rumple I mean Mr. Gold. What's happening." Asks Regina.
The fog grows stronger and the wind picks up.
"You're steps away from coming home my dears." Says Mr. Gold.
"Aren't you all supposed to come hear if the curse is broken." Emma had to scream because the wind is so strong.
"I never said the curse was broken." Says Mr.Gold.
"So what do we do?" Asks Regina.
"For it to be broken. You have to do what you came to do first." Says Mr. Gold.
"I don't understand." Ask Emma.
"Kill the Queen." Says Mr. Gold.
They all stare at Regina. They can see tears in her eyes.
"But we already did." Says Emma.
"You killed the past Queen. And if you don't do it quick, the fog will kill you all."
"Yes." Says Regina over the wind. "You have to kill me. You deserve your happily ever after. I now understand I can never have that."
"No!" Yells Emma. "You saved us. We are not leaving you."
"It's the only way to break the curse. Do it for Henry." Says Regina.
"He wouldn't want this. If you die, we all die together." Says Emma.
All the others nod at Regina.
"I now understand many things I didn't." Says Regina. "All my mistakes. And I'm going to go away in peace, with my son, knowing that there was people who really did care about me. I know that not everyone deserves a happy ending."
"But you do." Says Emma.
Regina smiles and a tear escapes from her eye.
"No I don't." Says Regina blinking away tears. "Thank you all."
Regina puts her hand on her chest. Right where her heart is. She pushes her hand deep in her chest.
"Regina no!" They all scream.
Regina screams and sobs as she pulls her heart out. Breathing heavily Regina keeps sobbing. Everybody is stunned. Stunned from Regina's heart. Regina raises her heart and smiles. A small chuckle and giggle escapes her. She is smiling at her heart. At her red, bright, and big heart.
Then the red fades away as Regina squeezes her own heart. Regina screams so loud and with pain.
"No!" Yells Emma.
"Regina!" Yells Elsa.
"No!" Everybody else screams.
Regina falls to the ground on her knees. Regina flatness out her hand and sand falls out of it. Regina's eyes roll back, her body goes stiff, and she falls to the ground.
The fog starts swirling faster and faster like a tornado. The fog engulfs Regina and her body dissolves into sand. The sand is swirled around with the fog and it is then out of sight.
"What's happening?" Yells Katniss.
"We're going home." Says Emma.
The fog swirls faster and faster and everyone is knocked down to the floor. Pitch black. Suddenly everything becomes still. Slowly, the fog starts lifting. It starts to clear up. Small patches of light can be seen. Then, not a trace of fog can be seen.
Emma stand up as so does the rest.
Emma sees two figures running toward each other.
Mary Margaret and David. They're back in Storybrooke. Mary Margaret and David speak.
"Snow?" Says David.
"Charming?" Says Mary Margaret.
They hug each other.
"The curse." Says Emma staring at David and Mary Margaret. Emma smiles. "It's broken."
David and Mary Margaret turn and see Emma. Emma knows she found her parents.
Emma turns around and sees him.

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