The Escape

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"Go!" Says Emma. She hands the heart to Thomas. He starts running directly toward Regina when she raises her hand. She shoots magic at him and he runs straight through Regina like a ghost.
"Thomas!" Yells Cia.
Thomas is to late and confused to stop running and smashes on the wall outside the room behind Regina. He collapses unconscious.
"And you two aren't going anywhere either." Says Regina. She raises her hand and Emma and Cia split into two directions and Regina's power hits the wall. Regina pulls them both with her magic and smashes them together.
"Can you tell me what you were doing here?" Asks Regina.
When no one speaks Regina clenches her hands and Emma and Cia are being squeezed. They don't have any air.
"Are you going to tell me?" Asks Regina.
When Emma finally nods the Queen puts her hands down and they fall. Emma and Cia are on the ground trying to get their breath back.
"Don't tell her anything." Says Emma.
"Oh she will." Says Regina.
She shoots magic at Emma and doesn't stop. Emma screams.
"Don't tell her nothing!" Yells Emma.
"But you'll die!" Yells Cia. "Then we won't be able to defeat Regina!" It's too late when Cia notices what she's done. Cia gasps.
"You'll what!" Yells Regina.
Regina pushes harder and Emma screams harder.
"Tell me!" Yells Regina. "It's your choice."
Cia looks at Emma. Emma is screaming but is barely audible. Cia looks from Emma to Regina.
"Emma. I'm sorry." Says Cia.
"Don't don't don't Cia Ci Cia don don't d d do it." Says Emma weakly.
Cia turns toward the Queen.
"We came from the future, but not from here." Says Cia.
"Oh really. Tell me more." Says Regina.
"We come from Storybrooke. The place you will send everyone after you enact the curse." Says Cia.
Regina looks amazed.
"And how do you know I will do that?" Asks Regina.
"Because we come from the future." Says Cia.
Regina still doesn't release Emma.
"I think you still don't tell me everything." Says Regina.
"We came here for the heart of the son of Rumplestiltskin." Says Cia.
"Rumplestiltskin." Says Regina. "Why?"
"Because we made a deal. If we brought him the heart, he would create a portal to transport is back to the future." Says Cia.
"Prove it. Prove you are from the future." Says Regina still holding on to Emma. "And tell me who you all are."
"I'm going to answer both questions in one." Says Cia.
Cia looks at Regina and smiles.
"Her name is Emma Swan and she is the daughter of Snow White and Prince
Charming. The Savior. The one who will free everybody from the curse. The one who will destroy you!" Yells Cia.
Regina drops her hand and Emma falls to the ground.
"No." Says Regina. "No! This can't be. I haven't enacted the curse and no one can be spared by it. No one!"
"She was. And so were we." Says Cia.
"We?" Asks Regina.
"Emma, Thomas, and me." Says Cia.
"Three powerless weaklings can't beat me." Says Regina.
"And two more. One with power." Says Cia. "Tris and Elsa."
"Elsa? No. She can't beat anyone. She can only destroy her sister. Who has ever heard about a power of snow?" Says Regina.
"She can beat you. We all can. You already lost." Says Cia.
"You bastard!" Yells Regina.
She turns around to leave when she stares at the ground. Thomas isn't there. So is not the heart.
"You bastard! You will pay. The price of death." Says Regina.
She is about to blast Cia when her feet don't touch the floor anymore.
"What! Put me down!" Yells Regina.
"Never Regina."
"Elsa!" Yells Regina.
Elsa drops Regina and quickly blast again but her power is stopped by Regina's. Elsa and Regina are holding on to their power evenly.
"Go!" Yells Elsa. "Thomas is waiting!"
"Help me with Emma." Says Cia as her and Tris pick her up and run out of the room. Elsa pushes more and Regina is off guard. Regina hits the wall. She is about to get up when Elsa slaps her.
"You will loose your majesty." Says Elsa.
With no regret, Elsa blasts Regina. Regina doesn't have time to react and is frozen. Frozen with ice.
"Nice to meet you again Regina." Says Elsa. She runs out of the room to follow the rest of the group.
"Elsa!" Yells Tris. "You're okay."
"Yeah we have to go. She'll unfreeze in any time." Says Elsa.
"No!" They hear Regina yell.
"Cmon." Says Thomas they run with Emma now up and going.
They reach the place where they found Rumplestiltskin.
"Where is he?" Says Tris.
"I'm here." Says Rumplestiltskin popping out of nowhere.
"We have it." Says Emma. She gives him the box with the heart and Rumplestiltskin looks moved.
"Indeed you have." Says Rumplestiltskin. "A deal is a deal."
Rumplestiltskin takes his hat off and throws it on the ground. It starts spinning really fast when it is big enough to fit inside.
"You ride home." Says Rumplestiltskin.
"This is the portal?" Asks Thomas. "How do we know it isn't a trick from Regina."
"Because I never break a deal." Says Rumplestiltskin.
They see an eerie smoke engulfing the Queen's castle. It is going directly into the kingdom where Snow White is. Also into the forest.
"The curse." Says Rumplestiltskin.
"We have to go. We jump on three." Says Emma. "Thanks Rumplestiltskin."
He nods and Emma counts down.
"One, two, three!"
They jump into the portal hat and are gone. When they blink again they are back in Katniss' room. Katniss lays where they left her.
"Is everyone okay?" Asks Emma.
"Yes." They all say.
"I have the potion." Says Emma.
Emma takes the potion out of her pocket. She takes the cork off the bottle and reads the label:
Emma pours the liquid into Katniss' mouth, but leaves a little.
"Why didn't you give it all to her?" Asks Tris.
"Because I feel we will need it again." Says Emma.
Three minutes pass and still nothing happens.
"I told you she was dead." Says Thomas.
"Not anymore."
They all turn to the bed and see Katniss with her eyes wide open.

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