Not an Amazing Escape

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An hour after driving behind Emma's bug at request to Emma's instructions, Cassie caught up to the other three women in the car. She offered them a ride in the more spacious Humvee, insisting Emma that they could attach the bug to the truck's rear. Exhausted, Emma agreed, secured her yellow bug on the rear, and relaxed as Cassie drove everyone to their next destination.

The waves of scorching heat quivered over the sun-tanned sand, clearly visible through the Humvee's windshield. A three-hour drive from the deadly events in Chicago, the four women found themselves in the depths of a desert with no civilization in near sight. The only thing keeping Emma Swan, Katniss Everdeen, Tris Prior, and Cassie Sullivan safe from the devil's ardor that played outside was the cool stream of A/C, which the women thought more holy than any magic during that moment's journey.

Over a wide sand dune in the distance, the shape of a building emerged, awakening the women's drowsy attention. Cassie, slowly applying the gas to prevent the Humvee from skidding on the sand, was the first to break the silence that had consumed most of their trip after Emma had cathed up Tris on details.

"Over there," nodded Cassie with her head as she steadily steered the large truck towards the building's direction, "it's some sort of large facility. Extremely tall walls. Any guesses?"

"Some sort of prison, I would guess," said Katniss, "It's almost the size of one of the Capitol's arenas."

"You're not too far off there," replied Emma, "That building is our stop."

Katniss became irritated, although she did not know exactly why. She still had her doubts about this woman, Emma, who pulled her out of one reality and into a new one that made even less sense. Despite saving her life, Emma has not been too communicative on the plan she had, so this switched on Katniss' defensiveness.

"Who exactly is this 'Thomas' we are searching for," snickered Katniss. "You haven't exactly told us what you are planning, and from what I'm concerned, there's multiple lives involved that are in your uncommunicative hands."

"Trust me," said Emma, "you'll thank me when your family is kept alive, but most importantly, everyone in Storybrooke."

With only the feeling of obscurity from critical information, Katniss opened the Humvee's rear door and jumped out. The heat was an instantaneous, scarring slap on her face as her downward fall moved opposite to the granulated wind. Barely missing the moving rear tire, her body plummeted hard on the sand which did little to soften the impact. A slight ringing in her ear brought back memories to the explosion she set off in the Games back in Panem: her true life.

The screeching of brakes were muffled through the ringing, and she could barely hear the commotion of voices in the distance. Crunching footsteps on the hard sand grew louder, and Katniss focused on a single voice which turned out was right next to her.

"What the hell were you thinking!" shouted Emma.

Just as Cassie and Tris were helping a grimacing Katniss to her feet, the sound of large, rusty doors echoed through the desert before the howling of the wind engulfed them. The women hushed, all turning their heads to the doors of the building, now about 100 yards away, wide open with a group of teenagers running out.

Emma's scowl reserved for Katniss morphed into a face of confusion, then recognition as she screamed through the heatwaves towards the group, "Hey! Over here! Hey!"

One young man, in particular, stopped dead in his tracks and noticed Emma, then motioned his group to stop their fleet as well. He appeared to be talking to two specific people in the group and tried to move toward the women's direction, but the other two teenagers held him back. Finally, the young man seemed to convince the group to stay put as he jogged towards Emma.

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