"Welcome to Storybrooke."

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"Follow her!" yells Emma.

They all run to the direction where she went. The go over a hill of snow and at the top, they see Katniss staring at a figure.

"Who's that?" asks Tris.

"Oh my god," says Emma, "It's Regina!"

"The Evil Queen?" asks Cia. "I thought she would look more menacing."

"She's more than she looks and right now she's going to do something. Cmon!" says Emma rushing everybody else.

The group stands behind Katniss.

"What do you want Regina?" says Emma.

"The same as you. We want to destroy other." says Regina in a sinister voice, "But I also have something precious to your Girl on Fire."

"What do you want!" yells Katniss.

"Didn't Emma already tell you. I want my happily ever after. " says Regina.

"I meant from me!" yells Katniss.

"I don't want anything from you dear. I already have it." Regina waves her hand I front of her and a purple cloud of smoke appears and something is left behind it.

"No" says Katniss."No!"

"I told you I didn't want anything from you. Because I already have it. But not for long," says Regina.

"What are you going to do?" asks Katniss.

"Make sure you never see them again," replies Regina.

"You bastard!" yells Katniss.

"I had enough of your temper!" yells Regina.

She holds Katniss' mother by the chest and pulls her heart out. And squeezes it. She drops dead. Sand falling out of Regina's hand.

"Mom!" cries Katniss.

Regina grabs Prim's chest and is about to pull her hear out when Elsa speaks.

"You take that heart out from that girl and you are dead."

"Oh Elsa. How nice to see you again and not the way I left you. This way you are more emotional and easier to destroy."

Regina raises her hand and shoots magic at Elsa. Elsa shoots ice but is overpowered. She falls to the snow.

"Elsa are you okay?" says Emma helping Elsa.

"Let me beat that monster!" yells Elsa.

"We all know your the monster Elsa. You froze your sister's heart last time just like this time." smirks Regina.

"That's not true!" Cries Elsa.

"Leave her alone Regina if you know what's best for you," says Emma.

"You leave me alone if you don't want to what happened to Graham to happen to this little girl here." says Regina. Emma stares at her like if time stopped. Out of no where she lunges and slaps her hard.

"You stupid monster!" lashes Emma, "You killed him! I didn't know! You killed him! You don't you bring him into this!"

Regina starts laughing like a maniac and Emma stares in disbelief tears flooding her eyes.

"What would Henry think of you," says Emma softly not taking her eyes off of her. Regina stops laughing and looks hurt at Emma.

"He's another story," Says Regina. Slowly she begging to chuckle. Then she starts laughing non stop again and doesn't stop. Everyone else is stunned.

"Evil always beats good!" Regina laughs as she says that. She pushes the whole group away with magic and they land on the snow.

"I'm sure we'll meet again!" yells Regina as she takes Prim. She waves her hands and a cloud of purple smoke engulfs her and Prim and they disappear.

"Regina!" yells Katniss.

She gets up and runs to the smoke and disappears. The smoke starts diminishing.

"Hurry!" yells Emma.

They all run to the now barley visible smoke. They go through and are suddenly somewhere else. Regina grabs Prim's chest and pulls out a pink pumping heart.

"No way," says Emma. But she isn't referring to the heart.

Regina's mouth turns into a huge grin.

"Help me Katniss!" yells prim.

"Prim!" yells Katniss.

Regina makes a wall between the group and her and Prim. Katniss sees and pounds on the wall trying to break it. Trying to break the wall separating her from her sister. Elsa tries to use her powers on the wall but they are useless. Regina slowly grips the heart in her hand more and more and more. Katniss sees her sister's face go pale and she says one more thing.

"I love you Katniss, I remember."

She goes stiff and falls to the ground. Those blond braids covering her lifeless face. Katniss looks in Regina's hand and finds sand. Katniss can't feel nothing and only stares at Regina's eyes. Pure Evil.

"One more thing Emma. Evil controls a mother..."

Regina stares at Emma sadly and speaks.

"The same thing happened to Henry."

Emma can't breathe as she realizes what Regina meant. She gasps for air and is suffocating. Suffocating on pain. She falls to her knees. A teardrop falls on her face and she faints. Katniss burst out full rage pounding her head in the wall screaming for her sister and ripping her hair out. Uncontrollably crying her eyes out.

"Welcome to Storybrooke," says Regina with a sly grinand disappears.

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