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Running back into the room, Seokjin started to make a mess of the room to find anything that would help bring Jungkook back to life. "This restarts the heart," Seokjin said while reading the labels of some of the medicine. "This can help!" Seokjin said in a rush, a panic attack coming on but Seokjin pushed through it. "I need a defibrillator! I need to shock him!" Seokjin fell to the floor next to Jungkook and began to cut the shirt that Jungkook was wearing. "Now! Guys help me come on!" Seokjin yelled out. All the while Taehyung clung onto Jimin, crying into Jimin's shoulder while the other boys hurried around to check if they could find what Seokjin needed.

Running down the hall, Namjoon was ready to run back to Seokjin until the door to the isolation room opened up, and out came his father. Making Namjoon stop in his tracks. Eyes watery, Namjoon's father walked over and engulfed Namjoon in a loving hug. Never wanting to let his boy go as Namjoon hugged his father back, tears rolling down his cheeks. "I- I missed you so much." Namjoon choked out while hugging his father tightly. The older male was in tears as he hugged his son. It didn't take long for him to notice the crying male in the hallway though.

"Jungkook... what happened to Jungkook?" Namjoon's father pulled away to look at Namjoon who shook his head slowly, sniffling. "We did what you said. Se-Seokjin is still trying to help Jungkook though but-" Before Namjoon could finish his sentence though, his father was already hurrying down the hallway and into the room where they had Jungkook on the floor. The memory of being locked in and starved in this room took over as Namjoon's father stopped. "How the hell do I use this anyway?" Seokjin panicked but soon after Joon's father took over.

There Seokjin assisted Namjoon's father. Thankful that he had someone by his side and taking over since Seokjin was not skilled in this area. He only ever watched and heard his parents talk about these things- which helped him so far but this time? He doesn't know if Jungkook would pull through. There Yoongi and Namjoon watched closely, waiting for some kind of word for them to do anything, something! but it didn't take long before Namjoon's father stepped back and Seokjin's face dropped. They did everything they could do but to bring back Jungkook? was far too impossible for them.

Gulping back the lump in his throat, Seokjin felt tears brim and before he knew it, he was crying while looking at the body. "Fuck." Yoongi's voice broke as he walked out of the room, not wanting to be there. "Dad- There has to be something! He can't just- no!" Namjoon approached his father who shook his head, eyes glossy as he watched Namjoon look for something to help Jungkook. "Son- Namjoon, Joon listen to me." Joon's father grabbed Namjoon's shoulders and held him. "Jungkook is too far gone now. The minute he turned, his heart stopped beating." Gulping, Joon's father cupped Namjoon's face. "... But you said-" Namjoon choked out.

"I never said it would work..." His father whispered out and Namjoon cursed under his breath, listening to the cries coming from outside. The heartbreak Taehyung was going through? And those little baby screams? It broke Namjoon as he looked at the lifeless body. Seeing Yoongi come out of the room with tears, Taehyung knew it was really happening. Jungkook was dead... and Taehyung was going to be raising their little baby boy alone. Which made his heart break so much it felt like Taehyung couldn't breathe. This wasn't supposed to happen. None of this was supposed to be like this but here they were, without Jungkook.

Having Jimin hold him, Taehyung leaned into the touch and let his cries out. Holding onto Jimin's arm so tightly it made Jimin wince but he didn't care about the pain. Wanting Taehyung to transfer all his pain to him but he couldn't do that so he just let Taehyung squeeze his arm. Eventually, Taehyung was helped into the room to see Jungkook. The crying baby calmed once they were in the room but it didn't stop him from being whiny as Taehyung approached Jungkook. His eyes were red and puffy as Taehyung looked at Jungkook. It hurt to cry but it hurt to look at Jungkook like this. "... I wish-" Taehyung hiccuped.

Grabbing Jungkook's hand, Taehyung sniffled. "I wish that you didn't have to do this." Taehyung broke out a cry. "But you did it. Y-You saved u-us. Jungkook, you d-did it." Taehyung choked out another cry and shut his eyes that were in pain, gripping Jungkook's hand. The memories flooded Taehyung's memory. From when Taehyung first saw Jungkook, when they had to work together on assignments. How Jungkook turned into a cocky motherfucker- which indeed made Taehyung chuckle from remembering... but that bunny smile and doe eyes? Those were the best parts of Jungkook. So as Taehyung sat there with their son, he thought of all the good times with Jungkook. From the very beginning. Wishing this turned out differently but at least he had the memories right?

As for Namjoon's father, the male was checking his own blood. Wanting to get to the bottom of this 'cure' and if it was really doing the job. Yeah, they came back as humans but were they going to stay that way? And why did it work? Would it work on others? So much information to know and Joon's father was so excited about this. "I don't get why we couldn't just give Jungkook the cure. Wouldn't it cure the others? It's a chain kind of thing right?" Seokjin looked at Namjoon's father who was iffy on answering since his team wasn't exactly sure. "Jungkook is the root of all this alright?" The man gulped before he looked at his son.

"... When we started-" Joon's father stopped talking when Yoongi spoke up. "We? So you were working with Jungkook's mother?!" Yoongi said in disbelief as Namjoon's face fell. "Yes... but no. I worked with her in the beginning stages but along the way she wanted more and Jungkook's father and I didn't want her to do such things and so we started to look for a cure." Namjoon's father explained. "Jungkook's mother-" The older man tried to speak but Yoongi shook his head and spoke over him. "Those aren't his parents. You know that." Yoongi spoke out which made the older man go quiet. Nodding at Yoongi's words.

"... Iseul, the woman only wanted to bring the dead back to life because... her own son died. So she started with lab rats, dogs whatever animal she can find. Once that worked out, she went for humans. Old too young, and that's how Jungkook came in. Somehow he was the only one that was able to withtake the liquid. Even after Jungkook, she tried to multiply but every single subject died, but for Jungkook." Namjoon's father gulped and sat back after taking blood from himself. "Then Jungkook was tested and stabilized because he started to act erotic. Jongsoo came up with the medicine Jungkook took every week or so to keep him calmed."

"That's the liquid Jungkook talked about." Jimin brought it up, remembering Taehyung mentioning this as well as Jungkook somewhere through their journey. "Correct. Jungkook needed to take that at least once a week to keep the monster within him sealed. Iseul wanted to wait until Jungkook was of age to start the plan she had in mind. I guess along the way she lost her way. We were only supposed to bring back her child, but instead, she began to pretend that Jungkook was her son and that they could rule the world, Jungkook could rule the world with her." The man looked at all the boys there.

"Jongsoo and I didn't want that though. So Jongsoo started working on a cure and was using the infected people as subjects since Iseul made Jungkook infect people she didn't find of use. Then... she found out and got Jongsoo bitten by Jungkook. There he started to spiral since he wasn't able to find a cure but in his last moments, he used himself as a subject but that killed him before the virus did." Clearing his throat, the man took a deep breath. "So then I stepped in." Namjoon's eyes widened as he looked at his father who kept his eyes on the ground.

"I took over once Jongsoo was gone. I also worked alongside Iseul so she wouldn't suspect a thing but without both of us knowing, Jungkook must have bitten someone out there and the chain started. We started to keep an eye on the dead though, from here we would bring one in and test them. No matter where the bite was or who it was from, it always had a piece of Jungkook's DNA. Which confirmed it was a chain. They reacted differently but we couldn't be sure if it was Jungkook." The male stood there, not knowing what to say from there.

"... Jungkook lived with that virus since he was four. Jungkook needed to turn so he could sync with the others, and fully have control of them. The cure would have only killed Jungkook either way. It was going to be too hard for his body. At least with his death, he saved everyone else."

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