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Gulping, Jungkook walked over to Taehyung. "Taehyung, you need to rest." Jungkook grabbed Taehyung's hand with his free hand while the other arm had his son. "No. I need to find another solution to this because-" Taehyung tried to keep talking but Jungkook shook his head with a slight smile. "There is a solution Taehyung. You just don't like it." Jungkook said quietly to Taehyung who scoffed, tears running down his cheeks. "Who would like that option?! We have a baby! A whole child together Jungkook you just can't-" Taehyung hiccuped, the pain in his stomach surfacing along with his heartache.

"You think I want to die Taehyung? I would trade anything! anything to be with you and our son but.... this is on me. This whole thing is because of me. I can put a stop to it. I can save you and our son's life. I can give you a normal life by ending this, by ending me." Jungkook grabbed Taehyung's nape and brought Taehyung close. "I love you." Jungkook smiled before he kissed away Taehyung's tears. "So much," Jungkook whispered out as he held back the tears. "Then don't leave me," Taehyung said in a sad whine, trying to hold back his cry. "You'll always have me around. With our son? you'll always have a part of me." Jungkook chuckled, keeping his composure.

"There has to be another way-" Namjoon shook his head, not believing that Jungkook would have to end his life for this apocalypse to end. No shit Namjoon wanted the world to go back as it was but... losing Jungkook? Who just became a part of their little family? Who has a little family!? How fucked was that? "Tel-Tell me ev-everyt-thing you g-guys did." The male looked at Namjoon who was confused but eventually got that his father wanted to know how they got to this point. "Jungkook's mom-.... whatever she is, she left all the tapes and paperwork about this virus. Everything that happened and what she did. Then Jungkook found another tape of his father." Gulping, Namjoon looked back at Jungkook who was looking back.

"His father was working on a cure." Looking back at his father, Namjoon cleared his throat. "He made a stabilizer for the virus but he needed a cure. With AB blood and Jungkook's medicine, he was able to stabilize the virus... and then we figured, with Taehyung's AB blood and their son, Jungkook's son... held both DNA. So... we just... I don't know, did it?" Namjoon shrugged while his father nodded. Thinking about all the ways they could save Jungkook. Though it was quite hard to think when his body was fighting a virus that was slowly winning. "Why can't we just bring him back?" Yoongi suggested.

"... Doctor's bring back people all the time after they die." Yoongi brought up which made Seokjin scoff. "Yeah, doctors. Do we look like doctors?" Seokjin looked at the boys who were staring at Seokjin. "... You did give Taehyung a c-section." Namjoon mumbled. "No! okay- yes but! trying to revive someone from the dead is a whole other thing! A whole other thing!!" Seokjin repeated. "We should at least try! Just letting Jungkook die like that-" Yoongi shook his head. Everyone agreed on this actually. They wanted a normal life again but... at the same time, they would be losing Jungkook.

"Let Ju-Jungkook turn." The older male started to speak slowly and was also a bit quiet but Namjoon was there to listen very closely. "He ha-has to compl-complete the chain so whe-when he die-dies, so wi-will the de-dead." The man started to shiver more even though a blanket was wrapped around him. "Th-Then, wait fiv-five minutes at least before in-inject-ing Jun-Jungkook with the cu-cure." Clearing his throat, Namjoon's dad looked at Namjoon. "Th-Then work ha-hard to get h-him ba-back." Now... he wasn't certain about this plan but he and his coworker, Jungkook's 'father' had many ideas on this cure, and the way his son and his friends figured it out? Was astonishing.

"... Then we have a plan." Jungkook looked at all the boys who were uncertain about everything they were about to do but what else could they do? "Inject Jimin with the cure. If I turn, Jimin is going to be a part of that chain." Jungkook looked at Yoongi who nodded. "Then we'll need one more needle for you," Yoongi told Jungkook who gulped but nodded, looking at his son who was being a stage five clinger at this point. Almost like he knew what was to come and that broke Jungkook's heart just a little bit more. "But what if it takes time for the cure to hit Jimin? Like Namjoon's dad." Yoongi stopped as he grabbed the needle.

"... If we have to wait we can. What's a few hours? ... The only thing on my schedule is death anyway." Jungkook tried to crack a joke but the boys only gave him a certain look. ".... Tough crowd," Jungkook mumbled. "Sorry for not laughing at my soon-to-be-dead boyfriend's joke about dying later on," Taehyung said behind Jungkook who turned and gave a sheepish smile. "... At least we have more time together. Now come on, you need to lay down." Jungkook pushed the topic aside as he got to tending to Taehyung. Not wasting any second now as Yoongi and the others got to tending to Jimin who was scared- but he would rather go through this than the stabilizer- since Jimin thought this was going to be a walk in the park.

"Okay..." Yoongi breathed out while handing Seokjin the cure. All of them took a moment before Seokjin was injecting the liquid into Jimin's arm. Instant regret took over Jimin as he felt the burning feeling run up his arm and throughout his whole body which caused him to start screaming bloody murder. Just like how Namjoon's father reacted, Jimin did the same. Wanting to cry out but he could only scream. His head too? Felt like he was being electrocuted over and over again until eventually, Jimin fell to the floor. Slowly, Yoongi got onto the floor and brought Jimin close to him. Covering the boy with a blanket as he wiped away his tears.

Yoongi knew Jimin would come back to him. It was just... all the pain and suffering Jimin went through. What they're all going through? It was just... a lot now and Yoongi just wanted everything to be normal again. "Does he have a pulse?..." Seokjin asked as Yoongi slowly checked and shook his head. Breathing out shakily, Seokjin nodded. This is exactly how it happened to Namjoon's dad. Now they just had to wait for Jimin to wake up. "How long?" Yoongi asked worriedly while the boys shrugged. "It took all night for my dad. I don't know."

Nodding, Yoongi only pulled Jimin closer to him. "...We should prepare for Jungkook now." Namjoon breathed out. One thing after another but at this point, they were used to it now. "Not now." Seokjin sat down next to Yoongi as Namjoon watched. "Let Jungkook have his time." Seokjin gulped while looking at Jimin. "... Okay." Namjoon bit his lip while walking over to the boys and sat down. Comforting each other at that moment all while Jungkook did so with Taehyung. "What if we can't bring you back huh? What then." Taehyung sniffled on the bed.

"Then you keep on breathing Taehyung. For our baby, you just keep on living." Jungkook brushed back Taehyung's hair. "... How?" Taehyung bit his trembling lip. "...You just do baby, ... you just do." Jungkook breathed out and kissed Taehyung's forehead. "But enough about that. Our little guy here needs a name. I've waited for you to wake up. I have a few in mind actually." Jungkook cleared his throat and tried to switch the topic. It was a much-needed topic anyway. They never did get around to discussing what they would wanna name their baby and now seemed to be a perfect time. Plus Jungkook had a lot of thinking to do about names.

"Mm..." Taehyung hummed gently while wiping his tears. "What are they hm?" He forced out a broken chuckle as Jungkook grabbed his hand. "Well, depending on his sirname-" Jungkook stopped talking when Taehyung muttered out Jungkook's sirname which made the boy smile at Taehyung. A light chuckle coming from Jungkook who nodded. "For Kim I was thinking Yeon-U. Kim Yeon-U. It means devine protection and he's been our biggest protector don't you think?" Jungkook said while looking at their son. A small hum came from Taehyung who nodded. "And for Jeon?" Taehyung asked as he reached his arm out to brush Jungkook's hair back.

"Jeon Siwoo. Si means begin, start while Woo means divine intervention, protection or rain." Jungkook then looked at Taehyung who adored the names Jungkook had choosen. "Unless you have any suggestions?" Jungkook said with a soft tone. Shaking his head, Taehyung tickled beneath Jungkook's chin. "Jeon Siwoo sounds like a perfect name for our son." Taehyung said in agreement. A light laugh coming from the two boys that looked at their son. "... Welcome to the world Jeon Siwoo." Jungkook muttered out, falling in love with his boys all over again.

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