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"You okay?" Yoongi looked at Jungkook who almost stumbled out but assuming that was the alcohol, Yoongi decided to ignore it as he laughed it off. "Too much alcohol huh? Come on," Yoongi offered Jungkook help but Jungkook only shook his head and slightly pushed Yoongi off the way. "Mm going to bed." Jungkook quickly said while walking into the room he and Taehyung stayed in. Hoping it was just the alcohol, Jungkook decided to forget what he saw. It was imagination, that was all. Jungkook just saw too many dead people that he was simply thinking of himself as one?... whatever, he went with that.

Feeling like he was on waves- Jungkook shut his eyes and within minutes, the boy was in a deep sleep. Right after, Taehyung came walking in to check on Jungkook after hearing the story from Yoongi. "Jungkook?" Taehyung said softly as he crouched down to check on Jungkook who was fast asleep and snoring lightly. Smiling, Taehyung leaned down and kissed Jungkook's forehead but just as he did, he felt a flutter-like feeling in his stomach. Almost like he just had the butterflies? Pulling away, Taehyung placed his hand over his stomach and gulped. ... So... it wasn't the first time Taehyung felt like this. The first time Taehyung actually felt the flutter was about four days ago.

The boy was gathering up some food for the little ones when he saw Jungkook and suddenly felt a flutter. At first, Taehyung laughed because no way was he that in love with Jungkook to feel butterflies- even though he was very much in love with Jungkook. Then later that day as Taehyung was laying down with Jungkook, Taehyung felt it again. This was alarming because... why was he feeling that way? Though luckily it didn't happen again — until Taehyung kissed Jungkook's forehead. Wiping his palms onto his pants, Taehyung got up and walked out slowly as he thought deeply about if he should tell Seokjin.

Walking to the bathroom, Taehyung was quick to look in the mirror and lift his shirt. He did gain weight but that was because he was able to have two meals a day at least and if anything Taehyung had tons of snacks for whenever he was hungry... which was a lot now that Taehyung is thinking about it. Looking at his side view of his stomach, Taehyung almost swore he could see a bump... a small... but growing bump. Though just in that second, Seokjin popped up. "Tae- there you are! Dude we've be-... what's wrong?" Seokjin stopped mid-sentence as he saw Taehyung pull his shirt down and look at him like he just killed his dog.

"... You said I had a miscarriage," Taehyung whispered since the door was still open and because he was in shock at what he just saw. "... Wait a minute, okay, back up a little bit what's going on?" Seokjin looked back to see Namjoon walking over but he quickly stepped into the bathroom and locked the door. "This is what is going on!" Taehyung said frantically, showing Seokjin the small bump. "Okay you could be just bloated-" Seokjin looked at Taehyung oddly. Okay... that was true... but... the flutters. "But..." Taehyung sucked in a breath. "I... I've been puking still. The smell of meat disgusts me... I... I feel so fucking emotional all the damn time like it's crazy Seokijn but..." Taehyung shrugged.

"Ever since I found out about the miscarriage, I just keep thinking about the what ifs and what would happen if I was pregnant. I think about the weeks I would be and- I could be just making this whole thing up in my head but... a few days ago I swore I felt flutters, not once but twice!" Taehyung grabbed at Seokjin's arm. "How can you explain that?" Taehyung asked desperately. Looking at Taehyung bewildered, Seokjin didn't know what to say because he was 100% certain that Taehyung had a miscarriage. Everything he described, the clots! It was a miscarriage. "I..." Seokjin opened his mouth but closed it soon after as he looked at Taehyung's bloated- or not so bloated tummy.

"I swear to you Taehyung, what you had was a miscarriage." Seokjin affirmed Taehyung who looked even more confused. "... but there's a chance... a slim chance that maybe you just lost one baby.." Seokjin gulped harshly. The thought just came to mind and it made sense right? "You're saying... I was pregnant with twins..." Taehyung said slowly, trying to understand it himself. "I... I can't be sure." Seokjin gulped once more, backing up until his back was against the door. "But by the sounds and looks of it?... you're pregnant Taehyung." Seokjin said slowly so Taehyung would understand his wording.

The rest of the night, Taehyung sat on the footside of the bed with his hand on his stomach. So much shit running through his head. Not sure if he should wake up Jungkook or wait until Jungkook woke up which lead him to waiting but then Taehyung would question if he should just wake Jungkook up- it was a ongoing cycle. Seokjin didn't drink much and so he took over watching the boys in which they fell asleep within the next hour of Taehyung leaving them. Feeling Jungkook shift, Taehyung looked at the boy who got into a more comfortable postion.

Assuming the boy would just fall right to sleep, Taehyung looked away but failed to notice how Jungkook started patting the bed, trying to look for Taehyung before he opened his eyes to see that he was alone. Until Jungkook looked around and saw Taehyung at his foot end. "Babe?" Jungkook muttered, pushing himself up and although he still felt the alcohol, he felt better than when he fell asleep. "Oh... you didn't sleep long." Taehyung cleared his throat. Smiling lazily, Jungkook rubbed his left eye. "I would still be asleep if I had my personal baby bear next to me."

Laughing at the 'baby bear', Taehyung breathed out and crawled towards Jungkook and plopped down. Covering Taehyung with the blanket, Jungkook pulled Taehyung closer as Taehyung kind of hugged Jungkook. Snuggling close, Jungkook closed his eyes and was ready to fall back to sleep until he felt the tense hold of Taehyung and the words that soon left Taehyung's mouth. "... I think I'm pregnant." Taehyung said in a whisper which made Jungkook question what Taehyung said until Taehyung repeated himself. Not wanting to explain everything although he would- just not right now. Taehyung lifted his shirt.

Gulping, Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's hand and placed Jungkook's hand over his bump and the moment Jungkook's hand connected with Taehyung's bump, Taehyung and Jungkook felt the smallest kick ever. Sitting up with his hand still on Taehyung's bump, Jungkook looked at Taehyung who suddenly felt panicked. Holy fucking- Taehyung never felt anything like that before. It was light flutters but... that was a whole little kick! Inside him! "Jung-" Taehyung looked at Jungkook with a shocked expression, a slight hint of Taehyung being scared as well.

"Se-Seokjin suspected I was car-carrying twins and we just lo-lost the other but I didn't ac-actually think-" Taehyung sounded like he was about to have a panic attack and so Jungkook got the boy to sit up and look into Jungkook's eyes. "Taehyung? Baby, hey, look at me." Jungkook struggled a bit to get Taehyung's attention. "Look at me, okay? It's you and me okay? It's okay Taehyung, just breath alright?" Jungkook said with a comforting tone. Brushing Taehyung's hair back as he then started to smile slowly. All while Taehyung was having a mental breakdown, Jungkook found himself smiling because... he just felt his child kick.

A child that he made with Taehyung. Their very own little them. "Why are you sm-smiling?!" Taehyung punched at Jungkook's shoulder. Wanting to laugh, Jungkook shook his head and grabbed at Taehyung's hands. "This isn't what I hoped for- us raising a kid in a world like this but... I just can't help but to be so excited because... that's our baby Taehyung. Our little baby." Jungkook gently placed his hand on Taehyung's tummy and felt his tears swell up. Jungkook was sick of crying at this point but these tears were happy tears. Though at the same time, Jungkook had so much to worry about. About Taehyung, his unborn and himself.

And deep down Taehyung really did want this. No matter how fucked up the world was... after losing his first baby, he didn't want to lose another. Yes, before Taehyung would never think about having kids but going through a loss like that? Taehyung never wanted to feel that ever again and if he had a second chance to make sure his baby comes out healthy? Then he'd do anything. "... We're going to have a little mini us..." Taehyung said quietly, breathing in sharply before he let out a small laugh while Jungkook carressed Taehyung's face, falling in love all over again with the boy who sat in front of him.

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