Chapter 48

675 48 36

The end of the chapter may be a bit graphic. Read at your own risk.


Wisps of black wound their way through the air as Wei Wuxian tried his best to wrap his head around what Lan Xichen had just told him and Wangji.

He wanted his hands to stop shaking but they couldn't.

What was he feeling?

Was it rage?



What was he supposed to do?

He couldn't comfort himself nor anyone else in the room.

Xichen's eyes had drifted back towards the floor and the purple tassel in his hands while he explained what had happened and wouldn't look up at their reactions.

Lan Wangji seemed the least fazed by the situation.

His posture stayed proper and he didn't move a muscle, his eyes observing his big brother intently. Wuxian didn't know what to feel at the ease with which the other accepted this whole mess.

Why was he so calm for heaven's sake?!

Didn't he hear?

Liu Xin was stabbed and taken!

He wanted to be mad at Wangji but at the same time he knew very well that no matter how angry or sad any of them were right now, that it wouldn't help bring her back.

He wanted to be furious with Lan Xichen but it really wasn't his fault. His strategy had been sound and that meant there had been no means to stop anything.

And Liu Xin had not been the only one who hadn't returned.

He was brought out of his thoughts when he felt a warm, big hand land on his shoulder.

Turning his head Wuxian found himself caught in the two glowing orbs that belonged to the white-clad boy next to him.

"Wei Ying."

Had Lan Zhan's voice always been this soothing?

It rang through the air and into Wuxian's ears where it worked wonders to calm his racing thoughts and made the resentful energy that had seeped out of his body, retreat.


It was the only thing he could say at the moment.


A small sound that beckoned him to explain, to make his thoughts known.

But he couldn't.

A single tear slipped from the corner of his eyes and rolled down his cheek.

He wanted to turn away so badly, to hide this fragile part of him. But he found himself trapped in that golden gaze unable to move an inch.

Slowly, almost as if he was afraid of a reaction, Lan Wangji moved his hand from Wuxian's shoulder to his cheek, where he traced the path of the tear all the way up to his eyes. Softly, barely letting his fingers touch the pale skin of the person that had broken down his walls, he wiped away another tear that threatened to fall.

"It will be alright, Wei Ying."

It was a promise.

How was he able to make such an ambitious promise?

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