Chapter 38

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Despite the unusual circumstances, they managed to develop a kind of routine in the span of a few days.

The mornings usually started around Mao Shi with the Lans that they shared their shelter with. After getting ready, they sat together in a small circle to collectively meditate for a little while. The sessions were only as long as they all managed to sit still. It wasn't always Gao Fen who started fidgeting first, much to Liu Xin's surprise. Not that she judged or found fault with any of them. Meditation was an art form that not even all adult cultivators had mastered, even though it did become increasingly easier once a person formed their core. It wouldn't be fair to just expect perfect technique from children. Especially since not all of them had cores and those who had cores, did not yet have them for very long. Something like this took time and patience. Liu Xin made sure to inspect their cores after every session. Not to see if they had made progress but rather to see if all of them were healthy. When she noticed an error that could cause damage in the long run, she made sure to correct it as soon as possible to prevent it from becoming a habit.

Then finally came breakfast and after that, they would split up. Many of the older cultivators were, understandably, incredibly busy. Fang Lei and Li Yan had taken to spend their days in the medical tent with Jiang Yanli. Not that the girl wasn't busy, but it was a place where she could supervise them a bit while also getting a little help from them. Them not being in immediate danger when staying with Yanli only sweetened the deal for Liu Xin. Of course, they had checked with Yanli first and, when she agreed fairly quickly to their request, had thanked her. From their stay with Meng Yao and Lan Xichen, the kids had already picked up some basics when it came to caring for sick people. However, Liu Xin could imagine Fang Lei using the relatively calm environment to meditate/nap a little more.

The thought of Lan Xichen and the time they had spent made the back of Liu Xin's neck warm up. No matter how bad the jade's condition had been, he had always managed to be graceful and each eye contact and warm smile in her direction had caused something in her stomach to flutter. Sometimes she really wanted to facepalm for having hung onto her crush from her childhood but she simply couldn't let it go.

Xue Yang and Gao Fen usually spent their days following Liu Xin around like two small shadows. And aside from their occasional banter and whispered comments about the people around them or things they could see, they even managed to stay pretty quiet. Now, when discussions shifted focus and concentrated on fights and battles, she could feel the two stepping closer to her and glaring at anyone who glanced in her direction. Their intention was very obvious. They didn't want her to join the fighting and put herself in danger. And she understood their feelings very well. She would probably act the very same if she was in their position. But she also knew that it would become necessary at some point. Her abilities made her an asset and if she could help and make a difference, then she wanted to do just that. She wouldn't shy away from doing her part, no matter how gruesome or dangerous that part might be.

Aside from Jiang Yanli, the kids also got well acquainted with Wei Wuxian. The boy would hang out with them whenever he wasn't needed in battle or resting by himself in his brother's tent. Jiang Cheng rarely rested there anyway with how busy he always was. Liu Xin had made a mental note in the back of her head to address that topic with him sometime. She was willing to force him to rest if he wouldn't listen to reason. No matter how strong he was, it wouldn't do him any good once his body decided that it'd had enough.
Speaking of the Jiang brothers, Wei Wuxian was once of her main concerns amidst this whole war. Yes, he was strong and yes, he told her he was resting enough whenever she asked him but she just flat out couldn't believe him. Each time she saw him, he seemed to sport even darker and bigger bags under his eyes and that was not even speaking of how gaunt his body seemed to be becoming.

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