Chapter 45

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The tension in the tent rose as soon as Nie Mingjue had left. Jin Zixuan hadn't even thought it possible for the tension to rise any further but alas. He didn't know why the Nie Sect Leader had stepped out in the first place.

To catch a breath of fresh air perhaps?

To get even the smallest of breaks from some of the idiots currently gathered around the big table?

Zixuan knew he wasn't very experienced in leadership or war, but he still felt furious at some of the cowardly men, who were still somehow confident enough to make their opinions known. It didn't surprise him at all when the absence of Nie Mingjue prompted whispers and murmurs to start all throughout the tent.
Zixuan threw a quick glance, first to Lan Xichen who was the highest in command after Nie Mingjue, and then to the side to Wei Wuxian.

He didn't know what to think of the new Sect Leader Lan. He clearly wasn't the type to make people listen and pay attention with his presence alone, like Sect Leader Nie. He didn't have the authoritative aura to keep people in check without having to actively engage. Especially not when he was seemingly just staring into space with one of his usual smiles subconsciously decorating his face. It was curious, since both Lan Qiren and Lan Wangji had a very commanding presence. Actually many Lans had an intimidating aura with their strict rules forbidding any show of excessive emotion. Lan Xichen was really the odd one out. And even though the Second Jade of Lan was also present, his normally so intimidating aura didn't help when he was solely focussed on his big brother.

It wasn't hard to guess what many of the murmurs were about from the many looks that were thrown Wei Wuxian's way. Some even occasionally pointed at him thinking no one would notice. Zixuan shot a harsh look at some whispering Jin disciples. At least his glare worked on the members of his own Sect.
That was little consolation however, since the Jin disciples made up only a small fraction of the present people.

Wei Wuxian was doing very well ignoring all the looks and the pointing, playing with the red tassel of his flute and here and there shooting a glance in the direction of the two most prominent cultivators in white. Zixuan would bet with anyone that he was looking at Lan Wangji. Something was going on between the two, had been ever since the lectures in Cloud Recesses.

The very fragile peace was shattered when some guy decided his opinion was too important to be left unheard by the whole room. His voice was sharp and it echoed over the sea of whispers and murmurs. Zixuan didn't even recognize his robes which were blending in well with the many muted colors of the other smaller Sects.
"Wei Wuxian, where is your sword? Are you mocking us? Are we not worth your sword?" The sneer on his face became more and more pronounced with each word.

Suddenly it was unnaturally quiet, all eyes were on them. Zixuan felt the sudden urge to hit his own forehead and hit the man who had spoken. Since both seemed inappropriate at the moment he settled for a long exhale and a glare.
He felt the temperature drop around him and goosebumps spread over his arms and legs. This was bad. Very bad. Zixuan remembered the sudden cold that had swept over their camp when Wei Wuxian had last lost his cool. But instead of fear, he felt angry and maybe even...protective? The picture of a vulnerable teenager in wide black robes, sobs racking his surprisingly light frame and blinded by a stream of tears, clinging onto him flashed through his mind.

Wei Wuxian wasn't an unreasonable monster for heaven's sake!

"Are you insinuating that he needs his sword here? Did you perhaps plan anything?" Zixuan found himself growling and stepping slightly in front of Wuxian before the latter could say or do anything.

The man was clearly taken aback, the attention of the crowd now on him. He sputtered a bit before a slimy and obviously forced 'smile' appeared on his face. "What are you saying, Jin-gongzi? Are you siding with that...demon? Why would you ever taint your reputation like that? What would Sect Leader Jin say?" His tone only became more mocking, which was almost impressive. Almost.
Another man felt encouraged to add, "Even though you are a young master, you can't just accuse us of anything, you know?"

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