Chapter 15

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"I'm so sorry, mother, father," Liu Xin almost sobbed into Liu Juan's shoulder. The woman held her daughter as close as she could at that moment. Her eyes were glossy but she didn't allow tears to fall. She needed to be strong.

"No need to apologize, little flower. We understand." Her soft words of comfort made Liu Xin's insides twist painfully and more tears streamed down her face. She didn't remember when she had properly cried last.

A strong hand landed on her shoulder and next thing she knew, Liu Lijun had wrapped both his wife and his daughter in a big hug. The hug was tight, almost squishing them but no one said anything. If anything the slight discomfort grounded them in reality.

"No matter what happens, you will always be our daughter, our little girl." Liu Lijun's voice trembled a little. "I'm sorry I couldn't dissuade him."

Despite the tears, Liu Xin gave a bitter chuckle. "I know you tried. But that man will never listen to anything except his greed. His lust for money and power truly is endless."

No one could have expected what had happened that day. Liu Xin started her day like every other day. Well mostly.

She had noticed her parents had been acting a bit odd lately. Her mother insisted on spending more time with her.

Now it wasn't like Liu Xin didn't enjoy her mother's company, quite the contrary, actually. Sewing and embroidering with Liu Juan was always relaxing and could distract her from any hardships she struggled with.

But her mother had developed an almost clingy attitude, trailing her everywhere even into the city. She had never done that before. She was usually content staying at Koi Tower, visiting her family's sect once and again. Liu Xin was even more surprised when she visited some dancers at a brothel that had become her friends and her mother simply followed and smiled. Not even one word of protest left her lips and when introduced, she was friendly and respectful.

Her father on the other hand was almost constantly busy with something. He would leave early in the morning and return in the late evening visibly irritated and frustrated.

Liu Lijun was one of Jin Guangshan's closest men and advisors. It was unusual to see him be this busy but it wasn't suspicious. What was, however, was how he looked as if whatever he was doing exhausted him emotionally. Over the years, he had mastered the art of strictly separating his emotions from his work. It just wasn't like him.

Whenever she locked eyes with either of her parents, they had this somber almost guilty look in their eyes.

Today would be the day she would find out why her parents had been behaving strangely. Oh how she wished she could rewind time. Maybe she could have changed something. But now it was too late.

Liu Xin had been meditating while playing her erhu, an active method of meditation she had discovered very early, while her mother had sat next to her embroidering with a steady hand. Tea stood on the table, steaming and spreading a calming scent through the air.

The calm was shattered when Liu Lijun stormed into the courtyard, muttering and cursing underneath his breath. Both mother and daughter had halted their activities to see what was the matter. While Liu Xin looked confused, Liu Juan's gut filled with dread and her hands anxiously clenched around the fabric she still held. One brief moment of eye contact with her husband confirmed her suspicions.

Liu Lijun kneeled in front of his daughter and took one of her hands in his bigger ones.

"Guangshan has summoned you. He wants to talk with you about something." His teeth clenched and his voice sounded frustrated. "Remember A-Xin, whatever happens in that hall doesn't matter to your mother and I."

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